Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lies and myths of fat loss

I'm going to fill you in on a VERY big secret.

Most trainers give away the store when public speaking.

They are asked to do a nice little presentation - at no charge - for a group or club or networking organization.

The excited trainer creates an elaborate presentation.

They jam as much of their knowledge as they can into the 15 or 20 minutes they have to speak.

They bring flyers and business cards.

They bring sample workouts and meal plans to give to the audience.

They falsely believe that if they give everything away the nice audience members will become new clients or boot campers.

But why would they?

You've just given them everything they need.

At NO cost to them.

Sure they're happy, but the trainer is broke ass broke.

The trainer would have been much better served if they had done a presentation on the Lies and Myths of Fat Loss.

The audience would have been educated on all of the things people try to lose fat that don't work.

Basically, the trainer would teach the audience the TRUTH about why they are so fat.

And if they want to know the TRUTH about losing it, well, they're going to have to PAY for that info.

Remember, this is a talk you are doing for nothing up-front.

You do these talks so you can promote your biz and get clients.

You're still educating the audience. They are getting good value. You're teaching them things they don't know.

Make sense?

Next question:

Did you know that our Prograde Nutrition resources includes a complete "Lies and Myths of Fat Loss" presentation that is completely done FOR YOU?

It's yet another reason to become a Prograde Pro.

Our One Year birthday celebration is still going on. Read all the details how YOU can save loot and become a Prograde Pro today.

The details are found on my blog. Just click the tinyurl link below:


Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Yes, we're still offering 10% off everything Prograde sells on its website. Details inside: http://tinyurl.com/3t62rt

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