Thursday, May 15, 2008

Personal trainer business meeting strategies

Personal trainer business meeting strategies

This morning Jayson Hunter and I had an hour and a half meeting about our biz.

In 90 minutes we were able to create an entire video marketing strategy including:

- Creating the content

- Shooting the videos

- Adding the watermarks

- Uploading them to the video submission sites

- Which pieces would be delegated

- How they would be used in newsletters

- And everything else...

It took us 90 minutes to come up with the entire process.

Now we need only work through the checklist each week and it's done.

No guesswork.

No wondering who is going to do what when and how.

No missed opportunities.

Create it once and it's done forever.

What about you?

Need something done over and over and over.

Sit down and write out all the steps and put them in order.

Decide which parts should be done by someone else.

It's really not that hard. You can do it, too, ya know.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Our webmaster for our Carb Rotation ebooks is the one and only Matt Dietz. The same man who has helped the likes of:

- Tom Venuto of Burn The Fat

- Celebrity Trainer Victoria Johnson

- Chad Tackett of Global Fitness

He's got an awesome book out on everything you need to know about web marketing. Check it out at:

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