Friday, January 13, 2006

Your Friend is Your Enemy

I gotta thank my dad for this one. He loves cutting out articles for me that have to do with my business. When I was up north for the holidays he gave me a very interesting article on how big time fitness magazines are creating their own DVDs. Magazines like Self and Prevention.

So yes, your friend is your enemy. The same publications who can make you a household name are now your direct competition. If you create your own info products that is. Since these magazines have an enormous reach and a much bigger budget (more than likely) than you do,
how do you plan to compete?

Well, besides the fact that you're going to have to do a great job promoting yourself and driving traffic to your website I'll tell you what will truly make or break you. Your ability to write great
copy. It makes all the difference in the world. If you can't write good copy- copy that gets people to take out their wallet - then you are in for a world of hurt.

So what's the good news?

It ain't that tough. You may have heard of Patrick Beith already. He's one of my most successful
customers. He writes great copy for his products. Oh, and how successful is he? His company sold over $200k worth of info-products last year. How does that sound to you?

Believe me, you can learn about copy just by reading his.

Check it out at:

Notice the:
call to action

Read it over and over and over. It's great copy. It has made all the difference for his company. It will do the same for you.

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- Want to hear more of Patrick's $200K per year secrets?

PPS- Again, to read Patrick's awesome copy:

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