Friday, August 11, 2006

3 Simple Sales Case Studies

3 Simple Sales Case Studies
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Selling value might work for some people. Personally, I don't really see how it works for anyone when it's a face-to-face sale.

I had three different conversations last week with people who recently had face-to-face interactions with sales people. In all three situations the sales person tried selling on value. Here are the results:

Case #1: New car purchase

My friend had already made the decision on the car he was going to purchase. It was exactly what he wanted at the price he wanted.

Done deal, right?

Yes, but the sales person just about talked his way out of the sale.


He started talking about every single feature that came with the car. Problem is, they were things my friend could care less about. In fact, this guy came extremely close to blowing his sale. REAL CLOSE.

Case #2 Plasma Television

Same thing. The deal was done. Right TV at the right price. Until the sales person started going on and on and on about all the valuable extra features. All things my friend did not want and did not feel like paying for.

The sales person still got the sale, but almost blew it because he couldn't keep his mouth shut trying to sell value.

Case #3 Website Design

No sale. Not even close. From what I was told this guy could NOT stop talking about all the value they build into their sites. All the wonderful things you get. None of which the prospect - my friend - wanted.

If the web designer had simply asked what he wanted and assured my friend he could deliver he probably would have had a new client.

But no, he must have been reading about all this "sell value" crap that I see more and more of. And please realize when I say "sell value" I do not mean you don't offer a very valuable product or service.

So what's the lesson in all this?


All that extra value did nothing to close sales. It lost one and almost lost two more. And I can't even begin to imagine how many potential sales they lost because of their "Sell Value" philosophy.

Plus, for the two it almost lost it meant more work for the sales person. NONE of which was necessary.

Your prospects will tell you exactly why they want to hire you. That's all you need to know. Period.

When you start going on and on about what a great value everything is people don't fall in love with all that value. What they really do is start to think they are over-paying for value they do not want and do not care about.

So what should you do?


If they get more value along the way that's terrific. It makes it look like you're under-promising and over-delivering.

Under-promising and over-delivering makes for two very happy people. Your customer and you!

And that's Business 101, isn't it?

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- What does the legendary Alwyn Cosgrove think of my sales approach?

"It's quite possible I've got more qualifications than anyone else in my field. Seriously, I've got more letters after my name than I have in my name! However, I'm going to let you in on the horrible truth...there is no relationship between being technically good or skilled at what you do and getting paid.

Jim Labadie is THE MASTER and he has solved that problem. The Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals is almost as good as having Jim as your own personal sales staff. Within days of listening to the CD's you'll have, at the least, doubled your investment.

BOTTOM LINE: If you don't have this kit in your arsenal, you better pray your competition doesn't. It's that powerful."

Alwyn Cosgrove
Sports Conditioning Professional
Owner Results Fitness

PPS- There's a lot more testimonials just like that at:

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