Thursday, October 05, 2006

250,000,000 fat people can't be wrong

This past weekend at the Ryan Lee Boot Camp I harped on something over and over.


Now that is nothing new. I'm sure you've heard it already.

But what gets me is that most fitness professionals aren't really paying attention to the message.

From the qucik internet research I just did, 25% of the Chinese population is now considered obese.

Isn't this getting a little bit nuts?

Personally two thoughts come to my mind whenever I hear myself say 'China is getting fat!'

1- Obviously, something needs to be done

2- There is no better time for a fitness professional who specializes in fat-loss to walk the face of the earth.

Eight bazillion people are fatter than all h*ll and there are still trainers out there making $30,000 per year struggling to pay their rent.

At the same time guys like Alwyn Cosgrove and Craig Ballantyne are cleaning up.


Because they are probably the #1 and #2 fat-loss experts on the planet. That's why.

Their programs and training systems work better than most everyone else's.

Now before you get all crazy on me please understand I'm not necessarily writing to you. This newsletter goes out to thousands and thousands of fitness professionals all over the world. I'm just putting this message out there for those who need to read it.

That being written, wouldn't it make sense to want to learn every single thing you can from these two guys?

Wouldn't it make sense to want to know what the top-performers do?

I watched Alwyn Cosgrove this weekend learn every single thing he could, from every single person he could. Absolutely ANYTHING to make him better.

And it didn't matter who it was from. He leaves his ego at the door. He doesn't care if you've been training for one day. If you have something to teach him he wants to learn it!

Here's the thing: Craig Ballantyne has a book that you need to have in your training arsenal. It's MANDATORY reading for all trainers who work at Cosgrove's studio.

You can get it here:

Ya know what the funny thing is?

The best trainers in the world will be the ones who take action and buy Craig's book just so they can find out one more thing that will help their clients.

It's the trainers who are struggling who will say they don't need it or can't afford it.

The very same trainers who leave the industry because they just aren't very good at what they do.

Listen: The reason the heaviest of the heavy-hitters in this industry make the most moolah is because they are AWESOME at what they do technically...


they add to it all the powerful systems and ideas that Ryan Lee and I teach.

THAT is what it is all about.

Be GREAT at what you do and combine it with the business stuff and you will literally be UNSTOPPABLE. The world will be yours.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie
PS- Alwyn Cosgrove earns hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in this industry. Doesn't it make sense do listen to him?

'Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training is one of the single most effective fat-loss systems on the market today. If you train ANYONE who is short of time and is even remotely interested in fat-loss - then you NEED to be studying Craig Ballantyne and Turbulence Training.

This is mandatory reading for all my staff. Every trainer should have this book in their library.'
Alwyn Cosgrove

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