Wednesday, October 04, 2006

How to handle information overload

If you've ever attended an event like the Ryan Lee Boot Camp this past weekend, then you know all about information overload!

By now you have probably heard about the absurd success of this three day seminar. I've seen the evaluation forms and just about every single person wrote it was the best event they have ever attended.

I could NOT agree more. It was one of the best times of my life!

How many seminars have you been to that you can say that about?

Not that it was just a great event full of info, but one of the most fun times you've ever had.

The only problem with it - and I mean ONLY - was the overwhelming amount of information.

I've heard from several of my customers and clients already and their heads are still spinning with amazing ideas!

So how do you handle information overload?

Here is what I suggested to them:

1- Take out a piece of paper and make a list of all your best ideas.

2- Cross off the ones which now, thinking back, don't make any sense at all. The ones that really jump off the page that you know you will never get around to. (hey, we all get those)

3- Take a long look at what's left and really see if the remaining are truly worth your time.

4- Organize the remainder into a list of highest profit and lowest hassle.

5- Get to work!

It's simple and it MUST be done.


Because if you don't get organized and start planning you'll get nowhere.

It always holds true: Fail to plan, plan to fail.

It was great seeing all of you there (RL Boot Camp 2006) and getting a chance to talk with you about all your success stories!

I got to speak to customer Lyle Johnson from St. Louis. He's got 75 people in his camps!

And I got to speak with Ken Roetman of Boca Raton, FL. He's my customer who sold $10,000 worth of personal training in 6 hours after listening to my Kit!

There were way too many success stories to count. It was so freakin' awesome I can't even explain the feeling.

It's all there for the taking. Keep going after it!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie
Dream Bigger Dreams

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