Friday, December 22, 2006

Oh, what a year it's been

2006 was a hell of a year. Thanks for being a part of it.

I have much to be grateful for. I have much to look forward to.

I'll be heading up to New Jersey to spend Christmas with my family. They're all up there. I'm down here in Florida.

One of those things I am grateful for is being down here. It's all about the weather.

Blue skies.
75 degrees in December.

To me, that's living. To me, to live in any other climate would be nuts.

The 37 degree days full of rain and grey skies...well, I never could have accomplished all I have if I didn't move to Florida in June of 2001.

I truly believe where you live plays an enormous role in your success.

How could it not?

When all I saw was grey from November until the end of April, I couldn't think of anything other than how miserable I was.

If your life isn't everything you want it to be, take a long hard look at where you live. Don't be afraid to get a new start somewhere else. It made all the difference for me.

There's a good chance it will do the same for you.

Happy Holidays,

Jim Labadie

PS- If you're looking for consistent inspiration and motivation, this might be just what you need.

The Success Training Network

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