Monday, March 19, 2007

Who does this guy think he is?

This past fall at the Ryan Lee Boot Camp I met a rather interesting young trainer.

He emailed me a couple days before the event that he was going to be there and just wanted to make me aware that at some point he would be coming up to me and saying hello.

That got my attention. Pretty smart move.

Then at the actual event he wanted to ask me some questions. So while I was heading back to my room he followed me the entire way, just going on and on and on.

Yeah, it was more than a little weird having him actually walk into my hotel room with me, but the guy was so involved in the questions he was asking me he didn't have any clue where he even was.

That got my attention. He wasn't a weirdo. He was just as hungry and eager as any 21 year old I had ever met.

Then when the Boot Camp ended on Sunday night he and his buddy Sam - both all the way from Montana - stuck around for another night.


Well, most of the presenters stayed another night. And that meant these two young guys got to have dinner with them and pick their brains.

That got my attention, too.

They easily could have just flew out of there like the other 99.9% of attendees did. But my new friend insisted they stay an extra night because he knew a lot of us speakers would be sticking around.

Pretty impressive, no?

His name is Nate Green and he's about the most impressive networker I've ever met. And yeah, he's all of 21 years old.

Read this email a couple of times and just think about it. At 21 he calls these people his friends:

Ryan Lee
Alwyn Cosgrove
Mike Boyle
Lou Schuler
Susan Hill
Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry
Craig Ballantyne
Bill Hartman
Chris Shugart

Not bad, right?

Are you this hungry? Are you this determined? Are you this creative?

Well, if you're looking for some serious inspiration check out what Nate has created for you:

I've listened to the interviews he has done with his newfound friends and they are priceless.

Just as an example, you can listen to Susan Hill and find out how she transformed from a 'regular' trainer to an extremely successful entrepreneur with over 11,000 members on her member-based website in just over 2 years.

Yeah, you read the above right. ELEVEN THOUSAND MEMBERS!

If you are and want to remain a 'regular' trainer then I wouldn't bother listening to these interviews.

But if you're as hungry and hell-bent on being a huge success in this industry then you want to get to right now!

Oh, and Nate has some extra special bonuses that are only available until 8PM tonight.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- If doesn't inspire the he** out of you then I'd recommend getting out of the business. I was blown away when I heard them and was taking notes like crazy. And believe me, that doesn't happen very often!

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