Saturday, April 07, 2007

It's like pulling teeth

It's like pulling teeth

'I'll make this as simple as possible: Using what I learned in Jim Labadie's Ultimate Sales Kit I made $10,000 in 6 hours!!'

Ken Roetman
Boca Raton, FL

Download the mp3 version for $99 and be listening to it TODAY on your
iPod while you workout!

Once upon a time I was helping one of my Ultimate Sales Kit customers.

He had met with a prospect and said it was "like pulling teeth" getting her to talk because she was so guarded.

Well, if you're trying to get someone to tell you the emotional reason they want to hire a trainer it's tough when they have their lips seemingly glued together.

So why does this happen? Why don't prospects want to talk?

I've always found that when this happens it's because they aren't at all serious about doing the work to reach their SUPPOSED goals.

So what can you do about it? The same things I told my customer:

1- Do a better prospecting job and never set the meeting

2- If you are in the middle of one of these meetings simply force the prospect's hand by saying something like, "I'm really uncomfortable saying this, but from experience I can tell you that when people aren't willing to talk to me they aren't really serious about this. So, please tell me, why are we having this conversation?"

3- Or you can be crazy like me and just get up and leave! Believe me, that get's them talking!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- How many times do you need to see this before you make the investment?

'I'll make this as simple as possible: Using what I learned in Jim Labadie's Ultimate Sales Kit I made $10,000 in 6 hours!!'

Ken Roetman
Boca Raton, FL

Download the mp3 version for $99 and be listening to it TODAY on your
iPod while you workout!

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