Tuesday, April 03, 2007

It's worth noting that...

It's worth noting that...

..people pay for cures much more readily than they will pay for prevention.

I know some folks who started a business that archives all your important documents. They make inventory of everything you own, so if, God forbid, something happens to your home and you need to replace everything it's much easier to do.

Thing is, the company didn't do very well. In fact, last I heard they were going out of business.

It was a terrific service. But people didn't go for it.


Because people don't like to pay for prevention. But when they are desperate they will pay just about anything for a cure.

The business they should have started is one that helps you get your life back on track AFTER that disaster happens. People would pay out the nose for their service.

Now I'm not saying you should take advantage of people. Far from it. But I am saying this is business and you sell what the market wants.

How many people come to you and say, "I really want to keep from getting fat?"

Possibly some.

I'm guessing a whole heck of a lot more are already quite overweight by the time they come to you.

Am I wrong?

And since you now know - well, you already knew it, you just needed a reminder -that people will gladly pay for a cure, you should have come to the conclusion that there's a very good chance you aren't charging enough for your services.

Try that one on for size.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- By the way, the more you're in the media the more credibilty you have in your prospect's mind. And the more credible you are in their mind the more they are willing to pay for the "cures" you provide.

You are worth what you charge, aren't you?


PPS- What does a woman who writes for national fitness magazines such as Shape, Self and Health think of the Ultimate Publicity Kit for Fitness Professionals?

"As a fitness writer/editor, I highly recommend The Ultimate Publicity Kit for Fitness Professionals for its consistently bang-on advice and the expert publicity tips from Lizz and Jim. Every information-packed CD delivers the exact steps that fitness professionals must know to instantly boost their credibility and gain incredible profits from publicity. The first CD alone is worth the price of the entire kit!"

Amanda Vogel, MA


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