Monday, April 02, 2007

Get the monkey off your back

I couldn't stand working with this woman. Everytime I even thought about another session with her I got a headache.

One of the best days of my life was when I fired her as a client. It was instant bliss. And I mean it. It wasn't like the proverbial "monkey off my back" kind of happy. I'm talking pure, unadulterated bliss!

When I fired her I was taking that huge leap from working IN my business to working ON my business.

Why had I been training her in the first place?

Because I was of the mindset that I NEEDED the money. Believe me, I know what it's like to be in a tough spot financially. I assure you, I've been there.

But when you are working with a person who is robbing you of your passion and making you miserable...well, you just don't need that person's money that badly. You simply don't. They need to go and they need to go right away.

Yes, it can be a little unnerving to suddenly be without that income. However, I can tell you from experience, as soon as I got rid of that pain in my butt my business exploded - in a good way that is!

All the negative energy was gone. There was only good time ahead. Never again would I work with someone who could rob me of my passion. Never again would I allow anyone to make my life miserable. Complete and utter bliss.

If you've got clients who you don't enjoy working with then let them go.

If you've got clients who don't comply with their program and they're making you look bad, then let them go.

If you've got clients you love to work with, who do everything you say and get great results then go find more of them. They are out there. I believe that with all my heart.

But this isn't about me. This is about you. This is about what you believe. This is about your passion. This is about living your dream. I can only show you the way. The rest is up to you.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- Maybe you saw this guy in Millionaire Blueprints magazine recently. He knows a thing or two about making dough in the fitness industry.

"Jim Labadie is a master when it comes to the 'selling' of fitness services. He's an expert at breaking down the entire sales process and making it so easy for fitness professionals to use right away.

Bottom line: if you're tired of potential clients slipping through your fingers, listen very closely to whatever Jim Labadie has to say!"
Ryan Lee, MS, CSCS

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