Monday, May 07, 2007

6 Things I've Noticed - Part Four

6 Things I've Noticed - Part Four

I've got a little bonus for you today. Originally this was only going to be a three part series.

But I saw this article and had to share it with you.

Is there any better time to be an entrepreneur?


Dr. Chris Mohr Teleseminar!

On May 23rd, 2007 at 8pm EST, world renowned nutritionist Dr. Chris Mohr of will hold a special in-depth tele-seminar for Prograde Trainers ONLY.

Here are some of the topics you will discover...

The truth about low carb vs high carb for fat loss
The most powerful behavioral strategies that would benefit trainers when trying to get their clients to make changes on a daily basis

5 best fat loss tips since we're gearing up for beach weather

Role of supplements--do we need them?

The importance of compliance and adherence

If you aren't a Prograde Trainer or facility already, what are you waiting for? We're going all out to make sure you're the best educated and most successful fitness pros on the planet!

But I love ya no matter what! ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- Dr. Mohr is just the first in what is going to be a long list of amazing experts dishing out insider content for Prograde professionals. Get on board today!

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