Sunday, May 06, 2007

6 Things I've Noticed - Part Three

Today is Part Three in the series of "6 Things I've Noticed About Successful Fitness Entrepreneurs"

5) They don't try to force creativity

Now some will tell you if you're not feeling creative to just sit down and start working and it will come.

And I don't disagree with that completely.

But I have found that there are times when your best "stuff" just flows. And if I'm trying to do something creative and what's coming out of me is terrible, well, what the heck is the point?

If I need to go back and re-do it all why wouldn't I have spent my time doing something more productive?

Creation comes from flow. And if yours is blocked the important thing is to remove it by doing whatever gets you back into the flow.

For me it's watching the ocean. What is it for you?

6) They focus on high-profit/low-hassle

I think this is the most important AND the toughest.

Entrepreneurs have tons of ideas and they all seem terrific when they strike.

But most of them aren't worth your time. Prioritize them in the order of what is going to bring in the most loot with the least amount of work.

It's a skill unto itself. But when you get it down you can spend a lot more time staring at the ocean!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- It works for Alwyn Cosgrove.

"It's quite possible I've got more qualifications than anyone else in my field. Seriously, I've got more letters after my name than I have in my name! However, I'm going to let you in on the horrible truth...there is no relationship between being technically good or skilled at what you do and getting paid.

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Sports Conditioning Professional
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