Monday, July 16, 2007

Aerobics Classes VS. Fitness Boot Camps

Aerobics Classes VS. Fitness Boot Camps

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Virgil Aponte

Become a Prograde Pro!

I was recently asked this question:

"I'm having a hard time distinguishing the boot camp from a group aerobics class. Because we offer approx. 20 group classes per week in my gym that are included in the membership I'm struggling to make the camp something completely different.

Can you help me with this question?"

- Lance O.

Since my good friend Frank Dolan runs boot camps at his club I thought it best if he answered Lance.

"The first promotion I did for my Fitness Boot Camp came after a string of weekly emails promoting the concept of having a definitive plan when they come into the gym and not just doing random workouts.

Although we do have classes (and they are still very popular) we spend a good deal of time promoting the fact that people should know how a class fits into their week, month, etc. Classes tend to be good for people who know what they are doing, but could be potentially dangerous for the beginner. What you get with Fitness Boot Camp is a coach. Not an instructor who is getting in a workout as well.

The instructors of the camp are also Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists, so the level of coaching is superior to that of a fitness instructor. Not to say that this is important to all people, but it is to the people that take the camp. There will always be people who just want to work out with a group regardless of the instructors credentials. This is not my market for the camps. We tend to attract people who are interested in quality, getting the absolute best, and don't have time to think about designing a program. They just want to know that the details are handled by highly qualified people. The fact that the class is a blast is a bonus!!

I would say that prior to promoting your camp you have to realize that you are promoting to a different mentality than the class taker. It is more like promoting personal training, so gear your marketing material to that demographic.

As far as details go, we started initially with a 3 day camp. Now we do a 4 day camp. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at 6 AM or 7:30 PM, then both groups meet at 8AM on Saturday morning. We have actually been holding our Saturday sessions at the beach this summer. I have included some pictures that may spark some ideas for you...

The ideas and ways to keep the campers signing up over and over again are endless. Just like Jim says, "you must over-deliver, and offer a ton more value than expected"!!!

Best of luck with your camps!!!"

Frank Dolan

Great question and an even better answer. Thanks, fellas!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Jim Labadie

PS - Who doesn't love a good Boot Camp?

Just wanted to give you a quick heads up on the progress I've made with my camps since purchasing your Ultimate Boot Camp Product.

I started in March '06 with about 10 people attending. It's steadily grown over the last 9 months with this month hitting 56 enrolled!!

It was your product that cemented the idea to start my own camps. I had no idea at the time that some initial guidance from the Ultimate BC CD's and some marketing know how would amount to a such a successful business.

I want to thank you for providing that spark that ignited what this year will be a SIX-FIGURE boot camp business!!"

Yours In Health,
Eric Gelder


"Hi Jim,

My name is Lyle Johnson, owner of MVP Fitness in St. Louis. I purchased your Boot Camp Start Up Kit and have gotten great results. I have had 44 camp members enroll in MVP Fitness Boot Camp in the first month. Not bad considering I only had 3 clients last year before the Kit!
Currently I am holding three camps; one at a local high school, another in an affluent subdivision and the other one for the St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Organization, which is actually held on the baseball diamond at the brand new Busch Staduim.

I feel great and very confident in the future direction of MVP Fitness and I am looking forward to improving more people's lives by offering more boot camps.

Thanks again! Your Ultimate Boot Camp Start-Up Kit CDs really helped me grow my business!"

Lyle Johnson
MVP Fitness, LLC

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