Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Three Experts You Must-Know

Three Experts You Must-Know

To be a succcessful fitness entrepreneur you need to surround yourself with a crack team.

Today I'm going to share with you some of the experts I work with personally. If you decide to work with them you will find the services they provide invaluable.


1- My accountant

I've worked with Bob Glasgow for years now. He's helped me with both my Personal Training business and my Internet Empire. If you're looking for an accountant look no further than Bob.

And don't worry if you don't live in Florida. He can help you no matter where you live - if you live in the US that is. In fact, he already works closely with fitness pros I have referred to him.

You can reach Bob by phone at 813-935-3818

2- My Intellectual Property Attorney

Steve Soden can help you protect your ideas and whole lot more. He can even help you raise funds for your business. Or he can help you sell it. Check out Steve's firm by visiting http://legalmattersllp.com/

3- My Sales Copy Writing Advisor

I write fairly good copy. But my friend Todd Scott writes GREAT copy. And as you know, great copy means great sales! That's why I regularly turn to Todd for assistance. He's written copy for me and other big internet marketers. But he's also reviewed copy I've written and "cleaned it up" for me.

Whether you need help with copy to sell an info-product, promote a boot camp or a fitness studio Todd is your man. Get to know him at http://fitnesscopywriting.com/

I can tell you that Todd almost always has a waiting list and he's working on many of his own projects. So if you're thinking of hiring him make sure you are one of the first to contact him. Trust me, you're not the only person reading this ;-)


These three men have my full faith and backing. If you have been looking for someone with their expertise do not hesitate to work with them.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Today I'll be editing the video testimonials we shot at the Perform Better Summit where we unleashed the new 100% orgranic Prograde Craver! We've had hundreds of fitness pros sign up to become Prograde Pros because they've tasted them and know their clients are going to love them!

One taste and you'll be hooked! They'll be ready for sale late this week or early next. You'll find out soon why they're the best tasting bar on the planet!


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