Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Take This Job And Shove It

Like a lot of fitness professionals, I used to have a "real" job.

I hated it.

Yup, at one time in my life I was a tech support rep.

Could be the worst job in the world.

Every day I would get to work and put my headset on and say the same thing to myself as soon as that phone started to ring.

"I have GOT to do something else with my life."

My headache would start almost immediately. I had a full day's worth of questions, problems and complaints to deal with.

And all for the wonderful salary of $30k per year!

Now don't get me wrong, moolah isn't everything. But when you absolutely hate what you do AND you're barely making a living...well, it really sucks.

I can tell you without exaggeration one of the best feelings you will ever feel is when you drop that letter of resignation.

Never in my life had I felt so free!

Never in my life was I so looking forward to the future!

I quit that job in August of 1999. Every day, week and month since has been better than the last.

So what are your days like? Do you love what you do? Do you look forward to getting to work? Do you dread it?

As many members of the Trainer's Inner Circle mentorship program have been learning, all it really takes to move towards your dream life is one thing: ACTION.

I could have continued to be miserable.

I could have continued to complain, bitch and moan.

I could have continued to hate my life.

But I didn't. I took action.

And that is all you really need to do. Take action.

You can't even begin to imagine what happens as soon as you do.

It's all there for the taking.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

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