Monday, December 17, 2007

Get Unheard of Results

Happy Monday!

I just wanted to share this with you real quick.

Trainer's Inner Circle member Jeff Nemeth posted this on the program's forum last week.


My week so far:

*Sold five new 1 on 1 clients

*Launched a group training program with 25% of my space pre-sold

*Brought back one new customer that had been gone for one year--in '06 this customer was worth $6k and referred another 5k in business

*Extended my on-air radio promotion (Biggest Loser type program) through the end of February

*Secured my first corporate boot camp for January '08

*Secured two PCPs as referral partners

What did it take? Less thinking, more action.


As soon as you stop thinking so much and MOVING in the direction of your dreams they start to come true.

It's all there for the taking, so take action this week!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim "The Liberator" Labadie

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