Friday, December 14, 2007

It Really Is Unbelievable

When it comes to trainers and business, well, nothing really shocks me.

It just doesn't come naturally to us. It sure didn't for me.

I've had to do a lot of learning and have worked with a lot of coaches to get to where I am today.

But I like to think some things are obvious.

Like putting your location on your website.

Or letting people know where your boot camp is actually held.

But alas, I come across at least one trainer website per week that I have ZERO clue where they do business.

So here is your homework for the weekend. Please ask yoursef this:

What simple and obvious things like my location or hours of operation am I missing on my website or other marketing materials?

If I was a prospect looking for a trainer or a boot camp and I couldn't immediately find that on your site - I'm gone.

And if you do in-home training is that crystal clear?

Anyway, I love ya no matter what.

Have a great weekend!

Jim Labadie

PS- Scott Colby, Pat Rigsby, Nick Berry and I have something brewing for boot campers that will blow your mind. We're in the testing phase now. More freedom. More moolah. More fun. Coming right up!

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