Thursday, January 24, 2008

First Strategy For Retaining Clients

First Strategy For Retaining Clients

I don't know of any fitness business that doesn't want to retain its clients.

Pretty obvious, right?

Well, since most businesses do a lousy job of it, I guess it isn't so obvious.

One day I asked the legendary Alwyn Cosgrove his strategy for retaining clients.

His answer:

"Clients make the decision to renew in the first 30 days, regardless of how long they signed up for.

So the key is customer service in the first 30 days, and "front-
loading" the training programs so that they get GREAT results in the beginning."

I think the most important part of his answer is "in the first 30 days, REGARDLESS of how long they signed up for."

Now if you've been paying close attention you'll remember that at the end of December I was telling you about something I was working on with Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter.

Something SPECIFICALLY designed to help you deliver faster results AND retain your clients.

Well, that "something" is ready to go.

The is the perfect addition to your "front-loaded" training programs.

It's specifically designed to help your clients drop up to 15 pounds in 30 days.

Again, Jayson is a Registered Dietitian. This isn't some BS program. This is the real deal.

The delivers incredible up-front results through a program that is perfectly safe AND healthy.

More importantly, it delivers a TON of powerful information which results in consistent fat-loss after the first 30 days. AND it teaches how to make the lifestyle changes necessary to KEEP the pounds off.

Oh, and we've also created Men's and Women's versions of the program. It can't get any easier for you. Check 'em out at

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Do you trust Alwyn Cosgrove's opinion?

"Jayson Hunter is the difference between a good program and a fantastic program.

After seventeen years in the fitness and weight loss field - I have a core group of experts that I trust and respect. Jayson Hunter has become my go-to guy when it comes to nutritional counseling, weight management programming and operations. He's the best there is"

Alwyn Cosgrove

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