Monday, January 21, 2008

Personal Trainers And American Idol

Personal Trainers And American Idol

Ok, I'll admit it: Carol and I were watching the new season of American Idol the other night.

I'll tell ya, when I'm at work I'm often going a million miles per hour. Lately watching the dumbest stuff on TV I can is about the only way I can get myself to slow down.

Anyway, I realize that many people are trying out just to get on TV. They are fully aware they have no chance of making it.

But others are completely delusional.

If you've seen the show you know what I'm talking about.

They're shocked they aren't "going to Hollywood."

And that reminded me of personal trainers.

I hear from lots of my successful customers who tell me about the trainers they USED TO work with.

The same trainers that told my customer they were crazy for even thinking of listening to me.

The same trainers who are barely making $30K working for someone else.

The same trainers who are scratching their heads wondering how they are going to make a living as a personal trainer.

The same trainers who refuse to invest in their business education.

The same trainers who refuse to use marketing that works.

The same trainers who think being a great "technical" personal trainer will bring in all the clients they can handle.

The same trainers who laugh at those who have sprung the 99 measly bucks for my kit.

Many of my customers are climbing well over the six-figure mark while those "other" trainers are complaining on the internet forums about guys like me.

I'm not perfect.

But I'm not delusional.

What about you?

Even if you are, I'll still love ya. ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim "The Liberator" Labadie

PS- How many trainers are passing you by? How many of my customers are already way ahead of you? How long are you going to wait before you go after your dreams?

"What can I say about Jim's materials?

I'll tell you this - Labadie really understands the 'inner game' of sales and marketing. I wrote the book on starting and running a martial arts school, and I've also purchased a ton of business training materials over the years... I can honestly say that Jim Labadie stands head and shoulders above his peers in a very crowded field.

If you're a personal trainer who wants to learn how to get more clients, or a martial artist who wants to learn some valuable sales tips from a fitness pro, do yourself a favor - study Jim's materials!"

Mike Massie, BAAS, CPT
Certified Martial Arts Instructor

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