Friday, February 01, 2008

My Former Life

My Former Life

One time, back in the day, I was working at a personal training studio in South Jersey. It was a strange little place with some seriously odd characters.

I will admit, it was NOT the kind of place that had clients who were super serious about results. It was a "nose-in-the-air" kinda town and many residents seemed more concerned with what other people thought about them than much else. It was a "country club" type studio.

And back then, when I was just getting back into the training game, I was only making 20 measly bucks an hour. So I am sorry to say, I didn't really care that most of my clients didn't want to do much more than complain about their job or spouse. I was doing a whole lot of complaining, too.

How the hell was I supposed to live any sort of life living in one of the most expensive states in the country when I was making 30 grand?

And I wasn't the only trainer complaining. None of the others were too happy. Not even the owner.

But I learned. And more importantly, I got the hell out of there. The very first business book I read, when I decided to start my own training biz, was The E-Myth by Michael Gerber. I started a website. I improved my attitude. I got my head on straight.

The message today is very simple: I was a $30k a year trainer who knew nothing about sales or marketing. If I can do it, you can do it.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - One of the tools I wish I had back in the day was the

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