Monday, January 28, 2008

Second Strategy For Retaining Clients

Second Strategy For Retaining Clients

A critical focus for your personal training business is KEEPING your current clients.

And the longer you KEEP those clients the more referrals they will send your way.

Well, that's if you have the correct systems in place.

This Thursday, January 31st you're going to discover those systems.

David Frey, Ryan Lee, Pat Rigsby, Nick Berry and I have put together a webinar specifically for trainers on the subject of Referrals and Retention.

It will run from 3:00pm EST to 4:00pm EST. It will NOT be recorded.

There are only a few dozen spots left. And that's not marketing hype.
Tens of thousands of personal trainers just like YOU are receiving notification of this event.

To reserve your spot you need to register RIGHT NOW.

You can do so here:

Every time I even THINK about this system I'm blown away. I cannot stress enough how important it is to do everything in your power to attend this powerful webinar.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Again, the webinar will NOT be recorded. Do what you have to do to attend.

Date: Thursday, January 31, 2008
Time: 3pm - 4pm EST (please note time zone)
Registration link:

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