Tuesday, April 22, 2008

100 calorie snack marketing

100 calorie snack marketing

I'm pretty certain you're well aware of the 100 Calorie Snack craze.

100 Calorie Snack Packs of chips, cookies, candies...

Like it or not, it's brilliant marketing/packaging.

But it doesn't do much to help your clients and boot campers with rapid fat loss.

That's why Jayson Hunter and I are making available to you one of the bonuses from our http://CarbRotationDiet.com program.

It's our 100 Calorie Snack Report.

You can use it to give as a free bonus to your:

- Clients

- Boot Campers

- Info product customers

We give you full rights to do with it what you want when you give it away as a no cost bonus.

BUT you cannot sell it on its own.

It's a short and sweet guide that lists out snacks that are either "approved" and can eat any time. Or "occasional" snacks that should be eaten, obviously, only on occasion.

You can download your copy, including digital images, here:


Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Again, download your copy of the "100 Calorie Snack Report" at http://trainandgrowrich.com/100calories.htm

PPS - The graphic designer we worked with to create this report is Victoria Vinton of http://www.coyotepressgraphics.com

I give her my full recommendation. She has come through for me - at a reasonable price - time and time again. If you're looking for a graphic designer be sure to contact her. And let her know Jim Labadie sent ya.

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