Monday, April 07, 2008

What I learned from Tiger Woods

What I learned from Tiger Woods

I watched an interview on ESPN last night with Tiger Woods.

He was asked what keeps him motivated. What prevents him from "hitting the snooze button" and just relaxing a bit.

Tiger was kind of stunned by the question.

Essentially he answered that he didn't know any other way.

He doesn't understand how you could do anything else but to keep striving to be better.

And when they asked him who was better, him or Jack Nicklaus, he confidently answered, "Me."

Asked to explain himself he said, "You have to believe in YOURSELF, don't you?"

He wasn't arrogant about it. Just confident.

Want more.

Be more.

Do more.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Just because you have a successful boot camp doesn't mean it's time to hit the snooze button. Keep striving for more. We'll show you how:

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