Monday, May 19, 2008

Floods your bank account with cashola

Floods your bank account with cashola

I love sharing these stories with you.

What floods your bank account with cashola?

Taking action does.



Of all of the tips the best one ever has always been:

Just go do it!

I was re-reading one of your articles on Publicity and I went and got it done.

The results?

2 National TV spots this week.

One on Telemundo and one on Univision all Spanish (NITCH,for me)

And just won Best Fitness Class in Miami for my bootcamp:


Rafael Moret, C.S.C.S., NASM-CPT
South Florida


JL: Great job of kicking ass, Rafael. Why dilly dally around when you can get stuff done and make things happen?

Get things done. Week after week after week. You'll be SHOCKED by the results.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Be like Rafael. Get stuff done.

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