Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It's all a gift

This one can be a bit tough to get your arms around. What you are about to read takes a VERY open mind.

Last week I read a column in a local Tampa paper. This gentleman was griping about the fact that CEO of Capital One (as in the credit card company) made $250 million in 2005 by exercising some stock options while the company laid off 1100 people from their call centers.

Now I'm not even going to get into whether or not the CEO earned the $250 million. I don't know if he did or didn't. But the fact of the matter is that he has an extraordinary responsibility and with that comes extraordinary rewards.

The reason I am writing you is to help keep you from thinking like the masses.

Obviously, most people would read a column such as this and get up in arms about what a terrible thing to do to people. How could someone making $250 million dollars be so cruel?

I look at it from a completely different perspective. Again, I don't know the exact details of what happened. What I do know is what a wonderful opportunity these 1100 people have been given! I view everything in life as a gift. I choose to see all the incredible possibilities now standing before them. Instead of working in a cubicle all day long listening to people complain they now have the chance to live the life of their dreams. They have the chance to start fresh and become whatever they choose. There is nothing they cannot be, do or have.

And the same goes for you, me and everyone else. Opportunity is everywhere. There is no limit to what these people can become. To me, they have literally been set free from bondage. To me, this CEO has done them the biggest favor of their life.

It's crucial for you to think different. It's imperative that you question everything. Including this message I'm sending you. Don't just take my word for it. Think about it.

Prosperity is everywhere at all times. There's no place on earth where it does not exist. It's everyone's birthright. The media would love to have you think otherwise. So would the masses who don't know how to think for themselves.

And by the way, prosperity is much more than just money. It's also pure joy, freedom, living your life's purpose, love, spirituality...It's all those things.

There is much more to life than a lousy job working in a call center. 1100 people now have a golden opportunity staring them right in the face. Will they take it? I hope so.

More importantly, the next time a challenge arises in your life, will you see the gift? Or will you only see what the masses would you like you to see?

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Yesterday afternoon I sat by my pool and read The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Awesome book. Even more awesome is living the kind of life where you can do whatever you want whenver you want. If you want to know how I did it you can find out by getting a copy of http://www.fitnessinfomistakes.com

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