Thursday, April 20, 2006

What am I reading?

I can't think of the quote, or who said it, for the life of me. I'm sure you've heard it before. It's something like 'The difference in your life 5 years from now is all going to depend on the people you meet and the books you read.' I think it was either Bob Proctor or Jim Rohn.

Well, when one of my readers suggested I fill you in on the books I'm reading I knew it was not a coincidence. I don't believe in them anyway so...

Anyway, without further ado, I've got some great info on books you should be reading and people you should be meeting. Oh, and I'm currently reading three books.

1) The Irresistible Offer by Mark Joyner

I've been meaning to get this one for some time now. I finally went to Borders this week and plopped down and read 1/2 of it. Of course I bought it and I'm reading the rest. Great stuff.
To give you an example of an Irresistible Offer you needn't look further than Joyner's primary example - Domino's Pizza.

Remember this one?

'Pizza hot and fresh to your door in 30 minutes or less or it's free'

It's pretty simple really. That is the example of an offer that can help sell a product or service in 3 seconds or less. Since people, you included, are hammered with thousands and thousands of marketing messages each day it is imperative you are able to cut through the clutter and make someone an offer they'd be crazy to refuse. And you've only got 3 seconds to do it!!!

My advice to you:

a- Get the book

b- Use the Domino's example to come up with your own Irresistible Offer that defines your company

How about something like:

'You'll shed up to 8 pounds of fat in 30 days, and have fun doing it, or your moolah back!'

2)The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Awesome. One section on abundance goes into how when 'you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.' So true. So true.

My advice to you:

a- Get the book

b- Meditate on how you look at things AND how you want things to change

3) The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords by Perry Marshall (eBook)

It's my understanding that Perry Marshall is by far and away the leading expert on Google AdWords. I've only skimmed this one as I'm focusing on finishing the previous two. But I can tell you that I'm psyched to get started on it!

My advice to you:

a- Sign up for his free mini-course on the subject at

b- Give serious consideration to the fact that there were, according to, 816,894 searches in February for 'weight loss' (and that's from ONE search engine)

4) The people you need to meet are going to be in Stamford, CT at the end of October.


They're going to the best event in the fitness industry.

What event?

This event:

I cannot possibly recommend an experience more highly than this one. And it truly is an experience. It's much more than a weekend seminar.

Remember, the way your life is going to look in 5 years is going to depend on the books you read and the people you meet. The most ambitious, friendly, successful and entrepreneurial fitness professionals, including me, are going to be there.

Get there. I assure you you will have the time of your life. And when you look back in five years you will credit that weekend with a tremendous amount of your success.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- I really cannot say enough good things about the event Ryan held last year. It was absolutely friggin' amazing. The energy was incredible. All the speakers were friendly and accessible. The networking was the best you can imagine.

You need to be there. If you want to be as successful as you can be in the fitness industry, you need to be there. And there's zero risk on your part. When you see the guarantee he's offering you're going to...

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