Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Case Study: From Trainer to Entrepreneur

What do you want out of life?

Are you like my friend and customer Heather Picken of

She wanted much more out of her life than being the 'average' trainer, so she decided to do something about it.

Now don't get me wrong about the 'average' trainer.

1- She's great at what she does and there's nothing average about the service she provides.
2- If you like doing the standard one-on-one sessions hour after hour and day after day and you're extremely happy with your life then that is cool with me. If you're happy, I'm happy.

But chances are you don't read the Fitness Goldmine Report because you want to be average. Far from it. My readers are after greatness!

Anyway, enough covering my butt.

What I want to do is tell you about how Heather has created the life she wants for herself. And I want you to understand it's not nearly as difficult as the naysayers out there would lead you to believe.

Is it easy?

No. I'm not going to bullsh*t you. There's some work involved.

Is it really hard?

No. It's putting in some effort doing what you love.

Is there some complicated formula to follow?

No. It really is simple. If you have a dream, a heart and desire you can consider it done.

Here's what Heather's week looks like:

3 Fitness Boot Camps held on Tuesdays and Thursdays
1 weekly education class on nutrition and fitness mindset on Monday nights
The rest of the time she works ON her business, especially information products
Fridays and weekends off to do whatever she wants

Not too shabby, right? It sure beats the hell out of working out 8 clients in a row one-on-one. Believe me, I've been there. I know all about it. I know the grind. I love helping people, but it got to be too much. But I digress.

So how can you duplicate her success?

Well, you can start by firing the clients you least like working with. That will free up some time.
Then you can start to make a whole heck of a lot more per hour by running your own Boot Camps. Like she does.

Why not create an educational course like she has and turn it into a product you can sell over and over for $99? Like she does.

She created a healthy recipe book that she sells both as a physical version at speaking engagements and as a digital ebook via
(you can check that out here:

Are you telling me you couldn't do that?

The other thing Heather has done so brilliantly is create a real strong niche for herself. She only works with women over 30. Her class is ONLY for women over 30. Her Boot Camp is ONLY for women over 30. Her products are meant for women over 30.

Her newsletter aims directly at their hearts. Not their wallet, but their heart. She speaks to them. She knows them. She knows what keeps them up at night. She knows the isssues they have. She knows what inspires them. She knows the issues they have with their bodies. She resonates with them.

And you know what?

They love her for it.

It's a textbook case study on how to go from the 'average' trainer to a fitness entrepreneur.
If I've written it once, I've written it a million times. It's all there for the taking, jim. All's it takes is your dream, your heart and your desire.

Well, that and the right tools. Heather let Ryan Lee and I teach her the keys to running a successful info-product business before she got started. She made the investment in our program so she hit the ground running.

Oh, and I also want to make another point how easy it is to get started making good coin selling products. If you have a newsletter list you can sell Heather's product and make a strong commission from it. Find out how here:

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - How can avoiding all my mistakes help you?

'Hi Jim:
Starting fresh in this industry, I get tons of offers to buy this and buy that to market my product. Marketing programs cost a fortune and don't tell you how limited their service is. Thanks to Jim sharing his 'mistakes', I can stay on a shoestring budget and build at my pace without digging holes.

These CDs told me the FACTS about running my own information products site and business. That alone could save me over $5000 in start-up costs and another $1200 in coaching fees. That's over $6000 that I can use for other costs. This will be my desk reference for a long time.'

Ken Bomar
Bakersfield, CA

PPS - Are you new to Boot Camps and want to start to free up time so you can duplicate Heather's success?

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