Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Gratitude & Successes

This is something you need to be doing. I can't even begin to tell you how much it has helped me with not only my business, but my life.

Two words:


I must give Debbie Happy Cohen of credit for this. She's the one who taught me to do this in her MasterMind course.

Every night before I go to sleep I take out my journal and write down everything I accomplished that day and the things that happened that I am grateful for.

And as I told a client during a coaching session yesterday, I NEVER write anything that went wrong. I NEVER write about anything that I wish could have gone better.

Nothing of the sort.

My journals are filled with page after page of the things I am grateful for and the successes that have come my way.

How does this help you?

Well, it's pretty simple really. It gets you to focus on nothing but what is good in your life. And since what you focus on grows...

It's so simple and so powerful. If you don't do this already, or something similar, get right on it!

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Two major announcements:

1- I'll be officially launching this CD later this week, but as a Labadie Unleashed subscriber you get first notice. I interviewed Zach Even-Esh last week and we talked for 40 minutes about the Prosperity Mindset he has developed. If I've ever helped you in any way, shape or form, believe me when I tell you you need to grab a copy.

This is just the order link. The site will be up later. If you trust me then shell out the ridiculously low amount of $17 and discover the Fitness Business Mindset you need for optimal succcess.

Oh, I had Alwyn Cosgrove listen to it and here's what he thought about it:

"Before success in any field, there has to be a mindset shift. Nothing will happen until that mindset shift occurs. It's that simple. The first step is changing everything you have been brainwashed to believe, and getting rid of everything that you think you are supposed to. Whether you want to call it "personal power", "positive thinking" or "conscious creation" changing your circumstances, your outcomes or changing your 'success' starts 100% with changing your mindset.

I can give you an outline - a step by step daily guide of the exact action plan to take to be the most successful fitness professional in the World. You can follow it to the letter. But unless you make the mindset paradigm shift it will be completely worthless material".

Having played a small role in Zach's growth, it's exciting to see that he's completely made that shift. He's paying it forward."

Alwyn Cosgrove

Again, the $17 order link is:

2- Ryan Lee is moving to Jupiter, FL this summer so we can launch our new business together from the same office. Yes, that means I'll be moving there from Tampa.

Hold onto your hats. It's going to be a wild ride!

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