Tuesday, August 15, 2006

How to think and feel like your prospect

How to think and feel like your prospect
Brought to you by: http://www.howtoprofitwithbootcamps.com

I may be pointing out the obvious, but you have to know your prospective customer/client as well as you know yourself.

That's why when I work with a coaching client on a marketing piece I have them think like their prospect thinks. And feel like their prospect feels.

For example, if you're writing some copy for your website you need to imagine your prospect sitting at their computer reading it. Literally put yourself in their shoes. Become them for a moment.

I'm going to give you an example. Obviously, I'm not a woman. But I've trained enough of them and sold them enough personal training to have a pretty good idea of what it's KIND OF like to be in their shoes. Enough so I can have a great mental image of them so I can write copy that will interest them.

(Note: I chose to write about a woman because I've always found them to be the ones who hire trainers. Much more so than men.)

I'm over 35 years old

I've got a couple of kids who I love but drain my energy

The kids are old enough now where I do have some time for myself

My husband might as well be another child

My clothes are getting tighter and tighter

I don't look at myself in the mirror when I'm naked anymore because I hate what I see

I've got a job that I enjoy and we're making enough money I can finally afford to hire a trainer

I read the fitness magazines but I never actually follow their advice

I've been to Weight Watchers a couple of times

I've tried a dozen times to go on a diet, but more weight eventually gets packed on

I'm too out of shape (and embarrassed) to go to a health club

I just saw a fast-food commercial and if I had time I'd run out right now for a cheese burger

My husband and I haven't fooled around in quite some time and I just don't feel sexy anymore

If my butt gets any bigger I'm going to cry

Please know this is not meant to offend anyone. I'm merely painting a picture from my experience as a trainer. These are the types of things I heard over and over and over.

You haven't?

Can't you just picture this woman? And when you picture her sitting at her computer searching for a personal trainer can't you feel what she feels?

And let's face it, that woman isn't feeling to good about herself right now. She's a little sad. Maybe upset with herself. I can guarantee you she's frustrated.

Here's the real important part...

As a fitness professional what do you want to say to her? If she were your best friend and you wanted to write her a letter inspiring her to take action and get professional assistance what would you write?

Would you tell her all about how great you and your training programs are?

Would you come right out and say what a great value it is?


You'd be nurturing. You'd be understanding.

Wouldn't you?
But at some point you'd be a little forceful. You'd let them know what they are capable of. You'd tug at their heart strings and inspire them to action!

As a fitness pro you've either been there yourself or you've worked with plenty of people just like this. If you search deeply enough inside yourself you'll find you know exactly how to connect emotionally with your prospect.

And that is what is going to draw them to you like a magnet.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Fitness Professionals just like you are earning well over $100 (or more) per hour running their own Boot Camps.

'Hey Jim,

When I'm running my boot camp class I'm always thinking, 'what a great use of my time'. It comes out to about $210 an hour. It's a great way to start your morning!
I am planning on hiring another trainer, or doing two classes next month.

Thanks for your help, and the Ultimate Boot Camp Start-up Kit CD's!'

Stephen Cooper
Fitness with Coop
Altadena, CA


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