Monday, August 14, 2006

This may be what you're doing wrong

There's a time and place to do things for free.

Public speaking can be one of those things.

Yes, you can get paid to speak. But local Rotary Clubs and networking organizations in your area aren't going to pony up the dough to hear you speak.

Because they can easily find someone to take your place who will do it for free.

Yes, it's a great way to give back to your community and spread the truth about fitness. But you can also earn some good coin if you know what you're doing.

Most of the time, when you give a free talk for a local group of some sort you're going to be given around 15 or 20 minutes to speak. Sometimes longer, but that's what I typically found to be the case. And that is just enough time to do things the right way.


You go to your talk and tell people as much information as you can in the time you have. You tell them the exactly how to get fit, lose their gut and feel great. And maybe you hand out some cards and marketing materials and HOPE someone from the audience calls you - eventually.

The result?

Most of the time your audience throws out your business card as soon as they get back to their home or office. You've just filled them in on all the info they needed. So why the heck would they hire you? They know how to do it on their own now.

Come on.

We know most everyone isn't going to do anything and those who do try with the basic knowledge you just imparted to them are destined to fail. I don't like writing that, but in case you've been extrordinarily distracted the past 10 years you've probably noticed that just about everyone is fat or becoming so.


You focus the limited time you have on educating people on the quick-fixes everyone tries that DO NOT work.

You know why?
Because these are all the things your audience are trying either right now or have tried in the past. All the lies, the scams, the myths. These are the things that get people emotional. And emotion gets people to take action.

Did you read that?


The result?

You can sell them your services or your info-products or your boot camp or...

It's endless.

Explain to them why what they're doing is wrong. And yes, gladly do that for free. If they want all the answers they're going to need to pay you. That's what being a PROFESSIONAL means.

You get paid.
Here's to YOU getting paid! ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Wanna know what else you could be doing right?

PPS- Or would you rather keep handing out all those business cards and hoping someone will call?

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