Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How to cash in on the mud-slinging

Is there anything more disgusting than the negative energy associated with political election season?

Yes, it's that time of year here in the States. It's election time.

The good news is you have some serious potential for fitness publicity.


The media is going to be looking for as many stories on the so-called "issues" as they can.

So how do the candidates stack-up from a fitness pro's perspective?

- Who is the fittest/fattest candidate in your area?

- Who is the candidate that supports physical education or health and fitness initiatives?

- What health issues do the candidates have (or had) and how, as an expert, do you feel it will hamper/help their status as a government official?

You get the idea, right? ;-)

Your best bet? Rank the candidates from fittest to fattest. The media will eat it up!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- Public speaking is a great way to promote yourself as an expert. Find out how at:

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