Saturday, October 07, 2006

PR and the Fitness Info-Entrepreneur

One word: Trust.

I get emails from people once in awhile who are skeptical.

Skeptical about purchasing something over the internet.

Don't blame them.

While I like to think I do a pretty good job of promoting myself there are plenty of fitness pros - unfortunately - who don't YET know who I am ;-)

So when a prospect emails me and politely asks if this is to good to be true I tell them to kindly read all the published articles on my media page. Which, by the way, you can find at:

And if being published on all those very credible websites isn't enough to gain their trust...

Just the other day I received a newsletter from internet and prosperity guru Joe Vitale that he is going to be appearing on Larry King.

Do you think Joe is smart enough to take that CNN appearance and recycle the heck out of it?

Me too.

Not everyone is going to see him that night.


I've no doubts he will use the appearance to build even more credibility, and trust, with his internet prospects, clients and customers.

See where I'm going with all this?

I think there are a lot of great internet guys out there who severly overlook the value of off-line publicity.

One word: Trust.

Think about it.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie
Dream Bigger Dreams

PS- The road to massive publicity starts in your own backyard. Discover the secrets at:

Just wanted to drop you a quick e-mail and let you know that within 2 weeks of being here in Fruita, Co I made the front page of the largest newspaper in the area and the front of the business section of the second largest.

Of course, your Ultimate Publicity Kit was to thank. I just did exactly what you spelled out on the CDs and within 48 hours of sending out my first press release I had both papers calling me.

Anyways, thanks for your help so far in my business venture and I look forward to working with you some more in the future as it expands."

Ride strong,
James Wilson

PPS- Wanna be the next success story?

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