Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How to stay on the cutting edge

I'm going to point out the obvious to you.

Fitness takes hard-work, discipline and dedication.

Now I'm going to point out something else obvious.

Hard-work, discipline and dedication are the main reasons people ARE NOT fit. At least that's what I think.

In fact, if you ask most people, the furthest thing from their mind when they think Fitness is probably the word Fun.

Do a little experiment. Go out into the public and play 'word-association.' When you say Fitness what is the ONE word they associate with it?

The one word that comes right to mind?

I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it ain't FUN.

If you want a Unique Selling Position...

If you want to dominate your competition....

If you want your clients to stay with you....

Have fun.

And also reward your clients for all their hard-work, discipline and dedication.

A wise man once said, 'it's all the little things that make up the big things.'

Give your clients certificates of achievement.

Give your clients little trinkets and tokens of appreciation for a training session well done.

Why not have a client, or boot camper, of the month with a grand prize of some sort?

Why not have contests between different boot camp groups or semi-private training groups?

Why not (and I got this one from Zach Even-Esh) have different colored t-shirts for different clients and/or campers?

In other words, when someone signs up with you they get the 'standard' t-shirt.

But when they achieve a goal...

OR have been with you a certain length of time...

OR have graduated from the beginner boot camp to the 'expert' level...

OR have won the prestigious 'client/camper of the month' honor...

they get a SPECIAL t-shirt.

It could be a different color. Or a different whatever.

Doesn't so much matter so long as it is perceived as an honor to wear. So long as it is viewed as something very special.

See where I'm going with this?

It almost sounds absurd, but people LOVE this stuff. It's FUN for them!

Something else to do, especially in groups or camps, is to play games.

Yes, you remember those things you played as a kid. GAMES!

Don't you remember all the FUN you had playing games?

My friend Jeremy Boone, the speed consultant for the Carolina Panthers of the NFL, has some breakthrough fitness games you can use with your groups and boot camps.

Whether you train athletes or the general population these breakthrough games are fun and guaranteed to keep your clients from getting bored.

In fact, they'll love them so much they'll be sure to tell anyone who will listen how much FUN they are having training with you!!!

Don't underestimate the power of fun. Discover Jeremy's secret games at:

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS - Supercharge the FUN in your workouts and Boot Camps!!!

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