Thursday, November 02, 2006

Keep an eye on what I'm up to

One of the ways I learn is to simply watch what others are up to. Well, the successful "others" I should write.

I've just hired a consultant to help me with Trainer Shopping Cart
I want to find out some ways to increase sales by making simple changes to my check out pages and the thank you pages you land on once you place an order with us.

That and I plan on learning more about these RSS feeds.

Why? Because I don't think my newsletters are getting through as much as they used to. I'll be finding ways to get people on my RSS feed so it's assured all my content is getting to them.

Oh, and in case you didn't realize it, you can subscribe to that very same feed by checking out the RSS FEED box on the upper-right corner of this page.


PS- Got a cool testimonial for our Fitness Info Mistakes product today. The name should really be Fitness Info Success. Sometimes it's freaking amazing that I make the amount of money I do.

"Hey Jim!

Just finished listening to Fitness Info Mistakes and the information is definitely worth way more than I paid for. You really should raise the price on it... I don't want to have that many competitors! :-)

I found the information on the CD set to be real world experience and no fluff theory. I've heard 100's of programs and I must say I was skeptical when I first popped it in... what ELSE could I possibly learn besides the stuff I already knew. Well, I learned a bunch, so thanks!"

Kevin Gianni

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