Friday, October 20, 2006

Endless doctor referrals

Have you ever notice we oftentimes make things SO much harder on ourselves than they need to be?

I don't really need to write much for today's lesson. I'm simply going to share this incredibly simple, but absurdly effective tip.

It was posted on by Seth Albright of South Carolina.

Here it is word-for-word - with permission, of course.

"This is a way that worked for me to get an endless supply of doctor referrals!

What I did was I started writing simple two page articles.

For instance, I would write articles like: "Mommies, The pooch in your belly and the pain in your mirror", or "How to beat the winter blues with exercise".

I would take them to the doctors office and ask the receptionist if she would hand them out to patients. The two articles mentioned above, I took to mental health professionals and ob/gyn offices.

In no time, I had doctors calling ME! Now, I write weekly articles for all kinds of medical professionals. They refer me to patients and other physicians so it's like a big snowball effect. Give this a try, it works!"

Here endeth the lesson.

Seth, you are the man!!! Thanks for letting me share this.

Does it get any easier?

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Want MORE endless referral ideas?


I just wanted to thank you, Joe Stankowski, and Todd Scott for putting together the Ultimate Referral Kit for Fitness Pros. One of the simple strategies you taught in the kit resulted in a referral which lead to a $1500 sale - by far my biggest sale ever!"

Scott Colby
Dallas, TX

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