Sunday, October 22, 2006

Jim, two quick (but powerful) strategies

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It's Sunday so I'll make this quick:

1- I recently saw this in a fitness pro's newsletter.

He publicly thanked his clients who had recently referred new business to him in his email newsletter.

Simple, right? But are you doing it?

People love to be appreciated.

By the way, have I told you recently how much I appreciate YOU?!

2- My good friend Pat Rigsby recently posted an awesome sample Joint Venture letter on his site. Grab a copy at:

NOTE: You should also be reading Pat's newsletter AND you should have a copy of his in your trainer's arsenal. If you want to be ridiculously successful that is.

Hope you're having a great weekend!
Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Turn $37 into $370,000 or more. Seriously. I'm not even close to kidding.

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