Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pleasing Alwyn Cosgrove

Note: If you don't already have it, you want it. Alwyn Cosgrove's Program Design Manual:

I spoke to Alwyn Cosgrove yesterday and he, yet again, bitched at me for not posting on my blog more. Apparently, mine is one of the few he checks on a daily basis.

So as not to anger the Mad Scotsman any further I have posted again today. And oddly enough, I am going to send you to HIS blog to see what he wrote yesterday.

I was actually going to write a similar newsletter. I noticed the same thing last Wednesday when I attended a Bob Proctor seminar. The people at my table who were the most successful - and I knew from talking to them, not just looking at them - were the ones who bought additional products. Yes, myself included.

This will make a lot more sense when you read AC's post.


PS- This is what AC had to say about my Ultimate Sales Kit:

"It's quite possible I've got more qualifications than anyone else in my field. Seriously, I've got more letters after my name than I have in my name! However, I'm going to let you in on the horrible truth...there is no relationship between being technically good or skilled at what you do and getting paid.

Jim Labadie is THE MASTER and he has solved that problem. The Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals is almost as good as having Jim as your own personal sales staff. Within days of listening to the CD's you'll have, at the least, doubled your investment.

BOTTOM LINE: If you don't have this kit in your arsenal, you better pray your competition doesn't. It's that powerful."

Alwyn Cosgrove

Get your copy here:

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