Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?

A couple of weeks ago I was reading USA Today on a flight to Anaheim.

In the "Life" section there was a cool article on the new gameshow on FOX, "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?"

It covered the reasons for the show's success. Mostly, all the "hooks" the show takes advantage of.

- A great title that captures your curiosity right away

- A big prize (A million bux)

- A comedian for the host (Jeff Foxworthy)

- Audience participation

- Shame (you feel kind of stupid when a 5th grader starts answering questions that you can't)

As per usual, this one hit show is causing all the other networks to scramble to produce an equivalent.

It got me to thinking. And this is merely an idea. I've never tried anything like this myself.

But what about if you created a fitness workshop that was similar to a gameshow?

It would probably work best in a large facility. Or maybe you could do it at a school?

It could involve parents and their kids.

There could be prizes donated.

You could have teams that are asked questions and those who get the answer wrong have to do physical challenges.

Something fun. Something different.

It could be a workshop/seminar. Or it could even be in a boot camp environment.

I don't know that it's something you could do all the time, but it sure could be done once in awhile.

It sure would create some buzz.

But what I really want you to take away from this newsletter is not the idea of a fitness gameshow.

What I do want to impress upon you is the importance of doing something different from everybody else. And that means doing it first.

The people who make the trends are the ones who are rewarded the most.

But any 5th grader could have told you that.

Who loves ya?;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

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