Monday, March 26, 2007

How to sell strength and conditioning

How to sell strength and conditioning

As you probably know, I'm a big believer in emotion based selling.

I know from experience that finding a prospect's emotional reason for wanting to hire a trainer closes sales. And closes them fast!

And it's especially easy for the typical prospect who wants to lose "X" number of pounds of blubber.

But what about athletes? What kind of emotional reason would they have for wanting to hire a coach who improves athletic performance?

Well, what if they didn't start varsity last year after training all off-season. And after all that work they weren't any faster or stronger because they didn't know what they were doing.

What about an athlete who was injured last year and lost their starting spot?

Or what about an athlete who has a lot of heart but just keeps getting his a** handed to him by bigger stronger guys or girls.

See what I mean? Think you'll find some emotion there?

Believe me, you'll find plenty.

Who loves ya? ;-)

- Jim

PS- It works for Alwyn Cosgrove:

"It's quite possible I've got more qualifications than anyone else in my field. Seriously, I've got more letters after my name than I have in my name! However, I'm going to let you in on the horrible truth...there is no relationship between being technically good or skilled at what you do and getting paid.

Jim Labadie is THE MASTER and he has solved that problem. The Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals is almost as good as having Jim as your own personal sales staff. Within days of listening to the CD's you'll have, at the least, doubled your investment.

BOTTOM LINE: If you don't have this kit in your arsenal, you better pray your competition doesn't. It's that powerful."

Alwyn Cosgrove
Sports Conditioning Professional
Owner Results Fitness

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