Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Write fitness articles in three easy steps

Write fitness articles in three easy steps

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How to write fitness articles in three easy steps

Writing articles is a great way to market your fitness services. Not only do they promote you to your target market, but because your article has been published you automatically are viewed as a credible expert on the topic. But many fitness professionals don't realize just how easy it is to write short "how-to" articles, so they don't utilize this very effective marketing tool.

Follow these three easy steps to quickly and easily write your own fitness articles:

1- Pick a topic that people are really interested in. Yes, I know that seems mighty obvious. But do you really know the subjects which your prospects want to know about? Have you asked them? Or are you writing about fitness items you think they should be interested in?

So ask your target market what they want to read about. Are they looking for information on how to reduce their blood pressure? Or would they rather learn how to get six-pack abs? Again, this is marketing. Write for your audience definitely wants. Not what you think they want.

2- Use a killer headline. If nobody reads your article what was the point in writing it? The headline is what will draw readers in so it's imperative it really captures their attention.

If you need ideas go to your local newsstand or bookstore and stare at the magazine racks. Copywriters get paid big money to come up with headlines because they sell magazines.

3- Use the magic formula. And in case you're wondering, you're reading a sample of that "magic formula right now. Start with an introductory paragraph that explains the problem you are about to solve. Next you list out the simple step-by-step tips (people love tips, by the way) to follow. Then end your article with your bio and a way for the reader to receive even more FREE information from you.

Oh, and if you like, you can have a closing paragraph or sentence like this one:

Follow these three easy steps and you'll be writing fitness articles like a pro in no time!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

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