Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tokens Of Appreciation

Tokens Of Appreciation

I love hearing from my readers. It really makes my day when someone takes the time to reach out and write me a short note in reply to one of these newsletters. Who doesn't like to feel appreciated? So to all of you who have written me to tell me how much you like these constant emails of mine, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

Here's two quick tokens of appreciation from ME to YOU. The other day I wrote about video testimonials. Two things I forgot to mention:

1- Numbers don't lie. So be sure to use specific numbers in testimonials whenever possible.

"I dropped 20 pounds."

"I've gone down three dress sizes."

"I lost four inches from my waist."

2- If you have trouble getting testimonials from clients then write them FOR them. Yes, you need to tell the truth. Yes, you need to show it to them for their approval before using it. But hey, if they won't do it then take the initiative and do it for them. It beats the alternative.

Ok, back to tokens of appreciation for a moment. Businesses are built on relationships. Relationships with:

Strategic Partners
And on and on and on...

How often do you show them YOUR appreciation? What are you doing to strengthen your relationships with them? This question is for me as much as it is you. If we want great businesses we need to have great relationships.

More on this soon.

Still love ya.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- A great token of client appreciation can be a gift of your favorite Prograde Nutrition products. What better way to get them to try a brand you recommend?

PPS- Have you read the report yet? It's a MUST read for any trainer serious about doubling their income.

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