Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Inside: How to reward your clients the right way

To make this as simple as possible I'm going to put these in numerical order:

1) A client or boot camper reaches one of their goals and they are feeling extremely proud. You're very proud of them, too.

2) You reward their hard work and accomplishment in two ways.

3) You send them a greeting card with a personal note expressing both your admiration and gratitude.

4) Inside the card is a small gift. Perhaps a gift card. Just a simple token of your appreciation to reward them for their hard work. This simple reward encourages the behavior that has made the goal attainment possible.

5)The next time the client sees you they thank you for being so thoughtful. You respond by completely overdelivering and give them yet ANOTHER gift.

6)This gift is a package of your favorite brand of supplements. The brand you sell, of course. You let the client know you are supremely confident this product will help them achieve their next goal.

7) They are more than happy to give it a try. You have already helped them reach one goal. They have the upmost confidence in your expertise and ability to deliver results.

8) You now have an extremely happy client. One that will be more than thrilled to refer business your way. And one that, more than likely, will be purchasing those supplements on a regular basis from here on out.

9)If you use the Send Out Cards system #3 and #4 take you about 5 minutes to take care of. You don't have to go to a store and get a greeting card. Never mind the gift card. Send Out Cards does all the work. You need only walk over to your computer.

10)If you are a Prograde Pro #6,7 and 8 are a breeze. They can't get Prograde products in stores so they can't find it someplace else cheaper and cut you out of a commission. And the auto ship program keeps you from having to carry any inventory. You just collect checks.

11) You begin to do more than just read these emails. You start to follow my advice and you make a lot more moolah. You have more time off. You enjoy your life. You help more people.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Find out how to become a Prograde Pro at:

PPS - The Prograde One Year Birthday Sale ends at midnight TONIGHT. Yes, we're still offering 10% off everything Prograde sells on its website. All the details are on my blog here:

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