Thursday, May 11, 2006

Feeling from your future?

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I'm a very blessed person. I've been fortunate enough to work with some of the very best business coaches you can imagine. And while all of them have played a part in growing my company, nobody has had a bigger impact in changing my entire life than Debbie Happy Cohen.

She's amazing.

In fact, she's so amazing that I referred her to many other fitness professionals including:

Ryan Lee
Joe Stankowski
Todd Scott
Tony Reynolds
And more...

While that might not exactly get you excited, I think this will.

Debbie works with a lot of people and lots of entrepreneurs. And she always tells me the same thing: She absolutely loves working with fitness pros because people like you work hard, don't complain, go after your dreams, are the nicest people in the world, and are a joy to work with.

And it really is true.

But I already knew that.

Something I didn't know, that Debbie taught me, was 'feeling from my future'.

It's kind of like visualization, but not really. It's more like acting as if something you want to happen has already happened.

Now this might seem nuts to you. But since I've done this, and continue to do so, I know it works. And since I'm all about results I don't give a 'you know what' how crazy it seems.

So picture this:

I'm jumping up and down in my office shouting 'Woo hoo!' and 'YEAAHHHH!!' over and over and over. Basically I look like I've completely lost it. But what I'm doing is replicating that blissful feeling I'm going to get when I announce the new business Ryan Lee and I are launching soon. I'm jumping up and down celebrating as if our first orders are pouring in and all the hard work we've put into it has paid off just like we expected.

Get the picture?

I'm feeling from my future. As if it has already happened exactly as I want it to play out. And the more real I make it in my imagination the more real it becomes in reality.

Think I've lost it?

Well, someone else who uses this technique is my good friend and client Zach Even-Esh. Yes, the same guy who has taken the fitness industry by storm over the last two years.

He makes a fortune in passive income via marketing his fitness info products online. He only works with clients he wants to work with. Essentially, he's living the life of his dreams.

But it wasn't always this way for him. He used to worry about how he would support his wife. He used to worry how he'd have enough to support a family. He used to worry about his debt.

Then he started feeling from his future. The future he wanted.

And guess what?

He started to create it. And then some!

So two last bits of advice for you:

1- Try this for yourself. Feel from your future and see how it works to bring you what you want.

2- Get a copy of

It's a 40 minute interview I did with Zach on exactly how he has developed the prosperity mindset responsible for his success. It's $17. You do have $17 to create the life of your dreams, right? ;-)

I do have to warn you about this CD. It's ridiculously inspiring and motivational. If you don't like that kind of thing DO NOT get a copy. If you're not a fan of having a huge smile on your face all day then avoid this CD like the plague.


Another guy who is a serious up and comer in this industry is Ian Graham. I recently did a coaching session with him to help promote the seminar he is hosting on May 27th in Dublin, Ireland.

If you live in Ireland, or anywhere near it, get to his event. It features Youth Conditioning expert Brian Grasso. The info will be the very best and so will the networking. Get there if you can!!!

Here's how to find out more:


Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Please forward this email to any fitness pro you feel it will help. Thanks!

PPS- $17 is all it takes to turn your dreams into reality. And believe me, you will listen to this CD over and over and over. It is soooo powerful and soooo inspiring!

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