Friday, November 30, 2007

The Mystery of Human Behavior

I don't always know why people do what they do.

But two things I do know:

1- The more you tell people they can't have something, the more they want it.

2- The more you reward a behavior, the more of that behavior you will see from people.

I cannot urge you strongly enough to think about those two things this weekend.

It is the core of my program.

And the Velvet Rope works like magic.

Always has, always will.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- You're going to be seeing a LOT more in the way of video from me. I need to get my stuff together - been focusing on the big launch with Jayson Hunter - but in the meantime, here is a video about that will catch your eye.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Can You Velvet Rope A Boot Camp?

Can You Velvet Rope A Boot Camp?

Look for a very special video newsletter from me in the next couple days. Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter and I have something for you that is going to A) Help your clients B) Make you a lot of loot.

Stay tuned!
Recently I was asked by one of my customers if he could "Velvet Rope" his Boot Camp.

Great question.

My advice?

H*ll yeah!

You should make it known up-front to all campers that your camp is only for people who want serious resuts while having serious fun.

Let them know whining is not tolerated.

Let them know complaining is not tolerated.

But have fun with it. Perhaps you could even "borrow" from Fox News personality Bill O'Reilly who has his "No Spin Zone."

You can call your camp a "No Whining Zone" or something similar.

Energy vampires aren't always private one-on-one clients. They can infect boot camps too.

Don't let them.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- What to know how to start your own profitable boot camps?

PPS- Already run boot camps and want to take them to the next level?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Wasn't Kidding

On Monday I wrote to you about a killer Publicity Stunt involving political camplaigns.

You can read that on my blog here:

Well, thanks to my friend Geo Derice for pointing this out to me.

Check out this ABC News Video on "Campaign Weight Gain"

Then call your local ABC news affiliate (if you live in the States) and tell them you are challenging one of the candidates to workout with you based off of this story.

They're going to LOVE the idea.


Questions Are SOOO Powerful

Everybody talks to themselves.

I know I do.

I know you do.

Words are VERY powerful. That's why it's important to always be mindful of your self-talk.

And after reading an email from Joe Vitale about "afformations" I changed the way I affirm things.

Yes, you read that right. AffOrmations.

As an example, one of my favorite affirmations in the past has been, "muney is attracted to me like a magnet!"

Now I say it as, "Why is muney attraced to me like a magnet?"


"How did I become a multi-milliunaire so fast?"

The difference?

If you pose it as a question, instead of a statement, your sub-concious mind MUST search for the answer.

Simple, but powerful.

I'm confident you can come up with some pretty good ones for yourself and your clients.

And even better question?

How did Samantha Taylor of Tampa, FL beat her monthly personal training sales record at her studio by $15,000?

She uses the Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals from

That's how.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- What kind of questions did Chris McCombs ask?


Wow! You're Ultimate Sales Kit is the real deal. I listen to it over and over in my car and on my ipod when I do cardio.

Instead of trying to talk people into purchasing my services like a lot of trainers do I have now pretty much become a master at getting the prospective client to explain to me exactly why they the think I should train them.

Closing the sale is now just a natural conclusion to the process. I now know how and when to ask all the right questions to get the prospect on an emotional roller coaster to the point where they are practically begging to train with me.

I have implemeted your wisdom and principles from the Sales Kit and the Velvet Rope dvd and am happy to say I am getting damn close to my goal of making $3000 a week for only working 3 full days and 2 half days a week.

Considering the average trainer only makes like 30 grand a year I know your products are definitely an important spoke on the wheel of what I'm doing right to be a successful fitness professional at the top of my game.

Jim, you friggin' rock!!!"

Chris McCombs
Orange County, CA

Labadie Urges You to Step Up

In December of 2001 I went to a Perform Better Seminar in North Jersey.

The lineup of speakers included Mike Boyle, Mike Clark and Juan Carlos Santana.

And while all their content was terrifc, there was something else that really caught my attention.

What was it?

Their presence.

And I don't mean just the fact that they were in attendance.

I mean the way they captured their audience.

The way crowds of people lined up to speak to them when they were finished with their presentation.

And how the crowds grew even bigger after the event was officially over.

I sat back and said to myself, "I want to be those guys."

What I'm trying to say is:

You really have to WANT to be "underground famous in a niche market."

Now I'm far from a friggin' celebrity. There are billions of people on this planet who have zero clue who I am.

And I really am as "regular" as they come.

But in my niche, I'm pretty well known.

I wanted it that way.

For me to do the things I wanted to do, well, it had to be this way.

And you know what?

It's fun!

I get to hear from people all over the world how I've helped them.

It really is cool as h*ll!

And there's no reason you can't do it, too.

You just have to want to do it.

You just have to start doing it.

And by that I mean you need to get your butt online and start writing.

You need to start self-promoting.

You aren't going to turn into some terrible person.

You're going to have fun.

And you're going to make a lot of loot.

But you are going to have be courageous and you are going to have to let strangers into your life - to a degree.

(That's exactly the emphasis of my program is all about. Building a relationship with your audience)

It's so worth it though. You can help so many people it's literally astonishing.

I cannot even begin to describe the feeling you get when people from around the world start emailing you to thank you for your help.

In the world of business, it's as rewarding as it gets.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Seriously, step-up to the plate and learn how you can do it too.

Monday, November 26, 2007

One Big Publicity Stunt

Happy Monday! Hope you had a great weekend. Mine was pretty relaxing.

But this Saturday was one of those rare weekend days I HAD TO work for a couple hours.

I sometimes work weekends when I WANT to. Rarely do I work them because I have to.

Anyway, Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS and I were putting some finishing touches on a couple of new ebooks you're going to want to know about. I'll be releasing details later this week.

(Note: These ebooks are going to make YOU a lot of loot)

Oh, almost forgot to tell you the reason I'm writing you this morning.

I recently saw this in the Fitness Business Pro newsletter:

(you may have to copy and paste the link into your browser)

It got me to thinking: An absolutely amazing publicity stunt for a boot camp.

What exactly?

Challenge some big wigs in your local area to come to yours and see if they can make it through the day.

My bet is, if you invited a politician who is running for office to come to your camp...

- It's another way for them to seem like "ordinary people"

- It's a great way for them to promote their stance on obesity, health care and phys ed in schools

- It's publicity heaven for them

- And it's publicity heaven for YOU

Recently I had someone ask me this question:

"What makes your product superior to the others out there?"

Look: I suck at a lot of things, but teaching trainers how to make tons of moolah ain't one of them.

Take a good look at the publicity idea I just shared with you again.

You know that's a winner. And it has MONSTER potential.

That's just one idea. In one little newsletter.

What do you think is going to happen when you start to actually invest in my products?

You know the answer to that.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- What to know how to start your own profitable boot camps?

PPS- Already run boot camps and want to take them to the next level?

Friday, November 23, 2007

Two Questons You Want To Ask Yourself

Oftentimes, employees love to complain.

I know because I used to be one.

Employees, for the most part, are fully aware they are helping the owner(s) of the company get r.i.c.h.

They love to talk about that fact.

But what they don't bring up are the risks and sacrifies made by entrepeneurs.

Most everyone says they want to r.i.c.h, but hardly anyone is willing to make the sacrifices or take the risks necessary to become so.

Which leads us to the two questions of the day.

Right now ask yourself these two questions:

1- What am I willing to sacrifice now which will help me get what I really want later?

2- What kind of calculated risks am I willing to take?

Bonus third question:

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Barry and Laure Lovelace have answered those questions:

"Starting our Totally Fit Boot Camp was one of the best business decisions Laure (my wife) and I ever made.

At first I was skeptical. We were having trouble getting people to come to a few of our early morning group fitness classes that are F.R.E.E and inside.

I ask myself, "Why would people pay more to take a class outside in the freezing cold weather?"
Fast forward to our third round of sessions. They have taken off BIG TIME!

Not only are we selling out of spots, we are taking it on the road to area schools for the teachers!
My wife and I are so happy we made the right decision, but we are also VERY happy we made another great decision.

I mentioned earlier that starting boot camps was ONE of the best business decisions we made...
Well, investing in was THE BEST business decision we made.

If you are having any thoughts on running a boot camp, think no more. Do you want to make $50 an hour or MORE THAN $100 an hour?

If you answered more than $100 an hour...

Then Jim Labadie's " is your next investment that will take your business to new heights."

Barry Lovelace

Jack Up Your Bank Account

Once upon a time I was at a prospect's home trying to sell her personal training.

I was certain it was a slam dunk.

There I was going on and on and on about all the different things I would do to help her.

What the program would be like. Some of the exercises. What her diet would consist of.

It had to have impressed the heck out of her. She was all excited and thrilled to get started.

But she just wanted to sleep on it.

As I was walking to my car I started to get this really weird feeling.

She wasn't going to do it. I knew it in my gut.

Next day my prospect called and gave me the news.

"I want to thank you for all your help yesterday", she said. "It really got me excited and inspired me to do it on my own."

What happened?

I gave away the store for free. That's what happened.

What about you? Ever done that?

If only I'd known then what I know now...

Who loves ya? ;-)

Jim Labadie

PS- Don't get fooled again.

'I'll make this as simple as possible: Using what I learned in Jim Labadie's Ultimate Sales Kit I made $10,000 in 6 hours!!'

Ken Roetman
Boca Raton, FL

Download the mp3 version for $99 and be listening to it TODAY on your iPod while you workout!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Take This Job And Shove It

Like a lot of fitness professionals, I used to have a "real" job.

I hated it.

Yup, at one time in my life I was a tech support rep.

Could be the worst job in the world.

Every day I would get to work and put my headset on and say the same thing to myself as soon as that phone started to ring.

"I have GOT to do something else with my life."

My headache would start almost immediately. I had a full day's worth of questions, problems and complaints to deal with.

And all for the wonderful salary of $30k per year!

Now don't get me wrong, moolah isn't everything. But when you absolutely hate what you do AND you're barely making a living...well, it really sucks.

I can tell you without exaggeration one of the best feelings you will ever feel is when you drop that letter of resignation.

Never in my life had I felt so free!

Never in my life was I so looking forward to the future!

I quit that job in August of 1999. Every day, week and month since has been better than the last.

So what are your days like? Do you love what you do? Do you look forward to getting to work? Do you dread it?

As many members of the Trainer's Inner Circle mentorship program have been learning, all it really takes to move towards your dream life is one thing: ACTION.

I could have continued to be miserable.

I could have continued to complain, bitch and moan.

I could have continued to hate my life.

But I didn't. I took action.

And that is all you really need to do. Take action.

You can't even begin to imagine what happens as soon as you do.

It's all there for the taking.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

Monday, November 19, 2007

Case Study: Awesome Abs Success

I've written it many, many times in the past:

Life is easy when you let it be.

Trainer's Inner Circle member Maki Riddington recently emailed me the below. There is much to learn from it.


Although I have not yet purchased your product I have read and apply some of what you share via your weekly and sometimes daily emails.

One of these nuggets that stuck with me was the power of creating a relationship with my clients by creating back end

You drove home the point of getting people's email addresses because they are worth m.oney. Maybe not in the present but quite possibly in the future.

I decided to run a group training called "Maki Fit" I piggy backed off the concept of Cross Fit but added my name in instead. I am a follower of this method so I figured it would be a nice niche to market in my area.

I used the email list I currently had (right now it only sits at 138 people who are past and current clients) and sent out an email blast to them.

This was the beginning of Maki Fit. It went from two classes of 5 people per class in July to six classes as of now with some groups of 7 or 8 people.

I plan on increasing this class to market and brand my name as a trainer out there in my area. Each month I send out an email to my list marking the dates available and then people sign up.

The feedback has been nothing short of amazing. I even had my "Awesome Abs" class fill up in one week (12 spots) with another 9 people on the waiting list.

I have people in my boot camp who also attend the group sessions and train with me and are in my Awesome Abs class as well. It's crazy!

I was telling my wife the other night that a simple email has changed how I operate my business now. It's taken me from making $1000 a month to over $2000 a month in just 3 months.

And that's just group training. I still have boot camp classes, one on one clients and supplements I sell as well.


Maki Riddington
Maki Performance Training

My thoughts:

1- He calls his class "Awesome Abs" which is 100% brilliant.

2- He runs camps which allows him to leverage his time and work ON his business.

3- He stays in touch with his list and is building a great relationship with it.

4- His list isn't huge - yet - but they are responsive and that is what matters most.

5- He doesn't sit around and contemplate thing forever, he takes ACTION!

6- He listens to me! ;-) And puts my advice to use. Why? Because it works!!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Thought you might like to see something Maki sent me a little while ago, too:

"I have purchased a number of your products and I can say with all honesty that they work! In just two years I went from a $40,000 a year trainer to a Six Figure Trainer!"

Maki Riddington
Maki Performance Training

PPS- Want to know how the right way to market with emails?

PPPS- What to know how to start your own profitable boot camps?

PPPPS- Already run boot camps and want to take them to the next level?

The Velvet Rope: Is It Just A Bunch Of Hype?

You can choose how you want to live your life and grow your business.

People who really want results are out there.

When I tell you that turning prospects away at the door is one of the best things you can do for your business, I tell you the truth.

It's not hype.It's not hooey.

See for yourself:

"When Jim Labadie first taught me about the Velvet Rope I was hooked instantly because I KNEW it would allow me to train exactly who I wanted to work with.

I had a waiting list of people to train with me when I didn't even own a gym, all my training was in a small dungeon like garage or outdoors at playgrounds. Everyone thought it couldn't work, but it did, and it worked BIG time.

This past summer I opened my gym, and, did the biggest mistake one can ever make, and that is to see what other facilities are doing as well as listening to family and friends. Dan Kennedy will say the same exact thing.

So, I loosened up my Velvet Rope principle because I wanted to pack in clients. BIG mistake!

I began working with clients that were half way committed, they showed up half the time and then disappeared.

I also went through a dry season, where I wasn't getting any new clients at all. The law of attraction worked against me until I went back to doing what worked.

I started putting up the Velvet Rope, I began turning down clients who seemed less than 100% commited or whose parents were the type that seemed to interfere with everything I did.

In the past month my gym has boomed with new clients and we're busier than ever before.

Most importantly, I am back to working with the clients I WANT to work with.

If you're not using the Velvet Rope, it is highly likely you have clients who are half assed and they are probably NOT the type of client you REALLY want to work with.

Zach Even-Esh
Edison, NJ

You are ALWAYS at choice. Every moment of every day you can choose how you want to live your life.

You can choose how you want to grow your business.

So what are you going to choose?

Hope you're having a great weeekend and not working with a bunch of clients you can't stand.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- How much time do you spend working with clients you can't stand?

It Blows My Mind

Howard Stern

Rush Limbaugh

Oprah Winfrey

Bill O'Reilly

Michael Moore

It doesn't matter right now what you think of the list of people above.

What does matter is that you understand one of the main reasons they are extraordinarily successful.

They make a very personal connection with their target market/audience.

They speak the same language.

They believe the same things.

They laugh at the same jokes.

The same things touch their heart.

You're going to tell me you know this already, right?

Then why do 99.9% of trainers still insist on writing impersonal email newsletters that bore the crap out of everyone reading them?

It blows my mind.

So, what is your newsletter like?

- Jim

PS- What can a couple of guys making buku bucks sending out emails teach you? A lot.


What a great product Ultimate Email Marketing is. No fluff just immediately useable info. I've already made one change (you suggested) to my subject headline and have got a lot more emails opened - thanks!"

Alex Poole
Bristol, UK

Thursday, November 15, 2007

How to Turn Lemons into Lemonade customer, Eric Gelder, has had SO much success with his camps in Chandler, AZ that the local parks and rec is looking to take a piece of his action!

Yeah, that's right, he's making so much loot they sat up and took notice. And when I say they wanted a piece, they wanted a BIG piece.

But don't despair, you can do what I recommended Eric do. Here is the EXACT advice I gave him:


Well, turn lemons into lemonades, baby!!! How about this: Do it - your boot camp - at a church OR the property of another non-profit and give 10% of the money to them. Don't know if you donate 10% of what you earn but it's amazing how that comes back to you. Plus, the tax donation AND the PR opportunities AND the exposure to the congregation or the people working at the non-profit...

Oh, and when you approach them you tell them you'll donate 10% of the profits to them. And you can offer a discount to their people...I think that's more than reasonable and the more you give the more you get!"

Pretty cool, isn't it? So much fun stuff to do. So many cool ways to help other people and help yourself. Everybody wins!

Also, be sure to take a look at the website for Eric's camps at

Oh, and I almost forgot, they offer a 110% moolah back guarantee! VERY powerful.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- By the way, Eric does an AMAZING job of helping his boot campers with their nutrition by promoting

PPS- Want to be the next Eric Gelder?


Just wanted to give you a quick heads up on the progress I've made with my camps since purchasing your Ultimate Boot Camp Product.

I started in March '06 with about 10 people attending. It's steadily grown over the last 9 months with this month hitting 56 enrolled!!

It was your product that cemented the idea to start my own camps. I had no idea at the time that some initial guidance from the Ultimate BC CD's and some marketing know how would amount to a such a successful business.

I want to thank you for providing that spark that ignited what this year will be a SIX-FIGURE boot camp business!!"

Yours In Health,

Eric Gelder

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Killer Corporate Camp Idea

Killer Corporate Camp Idea

I've written about my friend and customer, BJ Gaddour, before.

He's the guy I interviewed for

The same guy who used to live below the poverty line who now takes - thanks to his corporate fitness boot camps, and our kit - 15 weeks of vacation per year.

Well, BJ has done it again. For Halloween he had boot camps from two different corporations compete against one another! Check out the pics at the link below:

The employees of both companies loved it. In fact, they are going to be competing against each other all next year!

People love to be a part of something. They love to have fun. And most love to compete.

Give you any ideas of your own?

I hope so!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - What to know how BJ started his own profitable boot camps?

PPS_ Already run boot camps and want to discover exactly how BJ has taken his to the next level?

PPPS- BJ's original testimonial for

"Hey Jim,

Just wanted to let you know your Boot Camp Start-Up kit is SO well done!

I listened to all the audio cd's and had every one of my questions answered. Furthermore, the cheat sheet that came with it was extremely convenient and effective.

I recently created a proposal to run fitness boot camps for a local corporation. The company leadership absolutely loved it and they have already committed to the goal of running a '4-6 week on, 1-2 week off' boot camp for their employees for the rest of the year!!!

I already had an 'in' since I train both of the CEO's of the company, and I helped one of them to lose 100 lbs. of body fat in a year to the date of the meeting we had.

But the professionalism and 'attention to details' approach of your Ultimate Boot Camp Start-Up kit without a doubt sealed the deal and gave me the initial idea to move forward with the proposal.

Since it is a pilot I offered a discounted rate of $99/hour, but still look to make up to $500 per week of pure profit from just this camp alone!!"

Yours in fitness,

BJ Gaddour, CSCS

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How to Dream Bigger Dreams

I'm just like anybody else.

I get overwhelmed, too.

I've got tons of ideas.

I've got plenty to do.

Unlike many, I'm very forunate to live a 5 minute walk from the ocean.

And I can tell you that nothing clears my head and gets me focused more than a good walk by the ocean.

It not only helps me get clear on what to do now, it also helps me dream bigger dreams.

But that's not the point of this email.

I want you to understand that your dreams should be getting bigger and bigger all the time.

And that is why I am such a huge proponent of fitness boot camps.

They are such a great way to leverage your time.

And more time is what every trainer I've ever met needs more of.

So here's something to think about:

While I was walking yesterday I was dreaming about what my life will be like when my c@sh flow is 100% passive.

What my life will be like when I don't have to work another day if I don't want.

Dreams like that don't - to my knowledge - come true over night.

They take time. They are a natural progression of other dreams coming true first.

Leveraging your time with Boot Camps is an extrordinary initial step.

Do you have any idea how much more time you can have to educate yourself about other revenue streams when you aren't training one-on-one?

And you do realize you don't just have to earn loot in the fitness industry, right?

There is an entire world of opportunity out there just waiting for you to discover it.

When you run camps you just have so much more time to explore it.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Seriously, you're nuts not to run your own.


Just wanted to give you a quick heads up on the progress I've made with my camps since purchasing your Ultimate Boot Camp Product.

I started in March '06 with about 10 people attending. It's steadily grown over the last 9 months with this month hitting 56 enrolled!!

It was your product that cemented the idea to start my own camps. I had no idea at the time that some initial guidance from the Ultimate BC CD's and some marketing know how would amount to a such a successful business.

I want to thank you for providing that spark that ignited what this year will be a SIX-FIGURE boot camp business!!"

Yours In Health,

Eric Gelder


"Hi Jim,

My name is Lyle Johnson, owner of MVP Fitness in St. Louis. I purchased your Boot Camp Start Up Kit and have gotten great results. I have had 44 camp members enroll in MVP Fitness Boot Camp in the first month. Not bad considering I only had 3 clients last year before the Kit!

Currently I am holding three camps; one at a local high school, another in an affluent subdivision and the other one for the St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Organization, which is actually held on the baseball diamond at the brand new Busch Staduim.

I feel great and very confident in the future direction of MVP Fitness and I am looking forward to improving more people's lives by offering more boot camps.

Thanks again! Your Ultimate Boot Camp Start-Up Kit CDs really helped me grow my business!"

Lyle Johnson
MVP Fitness, LLC

Monday, November 12, 2007

A Rule To Live By

By now, you've more than likely heard of the 80/20 rule.

80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts.

Or 80% of your revenues come from 20% of your customers, etc.

It can even be 90/10, or 95/5/, or even 99/1.

So if you know that rule, shouldn't you be looking at things like:

- Which select clients are sending you the most referrals?

- Which marketing activities are bringing in the most leads? And which seem to be a waste of time?

- Which 20% of clients are giving you 80% of the grief? So you can recognize those traits and refuse to accept new prospects who you know will turn into those types of problem clients?

See where I am going with this?

Make the most of your efforts.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

Want to know how the right way to market with emails?

What to know how to start your own profitable boot camps?

Already run boot camps and want to take them to the next level?

Thursday, November 08, 2007

An Endless Stream of Physician Referrals

An Endless Stream of Physician Referrals

Do you have any idea how big this is?

Seriously, do you?

Have you seen this?

In the United States, things just got a whole lot easier for you.

If things are different in your country, well, use this as the model to take to your local doctors.

The American College of Sports Medicine and The American Medical Association got something right for a change.

Find out all about it at:

Here's what you should be doing right away:

- Contacting every local doctor in your area with this news. Especially the ones you already know.

- Tell your current clients about it and make sure they are letting their doctor know they are working with you. And be sure they are filling them in on all your great progress together.

- Contact your local media and pitch them a story about how easy, or how hard, it is to get referrals from doctors. Let them know all about this new initiative.

- You can work with a doctor to get clients enrolled in your Weight Managment program. And if you don't have one, enroll in Prograde Nutrition and use the one we have created FOR you.

And that's just the start. The possibilities here are endless.

Now get to work! ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Come on, are you really going to tell me a doctor wouldn't LOVE to know you have a 12 week weight management program created by a registered dietitan he can enroll his patients into?

Go to and click on the Fitness Professionals tab.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Who's on your team?

I've written about this in the past.

To be a successful entrepreneur you need to have a great team around you.

- Attorney

- Accountant

- Book keeper

- Assistant

- Technical advisor

- Financial planner

The list goes on and on.

And if you've got a big project that needs great s.ales copy then you need a great copywriter you can call on.

Lucky for you I know just the guy.

My friend Todd Scott is as good as they come.

I work with Todd regulary to help me with my copy.

So here are some things you need to know:

1 - I don't get anything out of this monetarily. I'm just letting you know about an amazing service that is available to you if you are in need of a big-time copywriter.

2- Todd has 6 spots available. In other words, he only has time to take on 6 new projects before the end of the year.

3- I've negotiated with him to land my readers a 10% discount off his services.

4- But if you want that discount you must contact him before noon EST this Friday, November 9th.

5- This is not for newbies who just need some basic copy on their website. This is for serious marketers and business owners who demand nothing but the best.

6- To qualify fot the 10% discount you must mention my name in the comments section of his website

7- If nothing else go to and read the headline. It's pretty amazing. And it's true. Todd is damn good at what he does.

- Jim

PS - Again, if you want that discount you must contact him before noon EST this Friday, November 9th.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Best Friends You Don't Know About

The Best Friends You Don't Know About

There are friends you don't know about who desperately want to see you succeed.

They are your biggest ally, but you weren't told that as a kid.

In fact, you were meant to fear them.

Your mommy, daddy and teachers told you they were unacceptable.

The school system kept you from them.

Your life has been made much more difficult as a result.

Who are these best friends you don't know about?


They teach you to learn faster than any other method.

But instead of encouraging them you were taught to fear them.

If you made too many mistakes you failed.

And they taught you failing was bad.

So you don't like to do it.

But the biggest succcesses know the truth.

The faster you make the mistakes, and the faster you fail, the sooner you succeed.

Think different.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - There is always a best way to do things. is one of those ways.

'Hi Jim,

My name is Jeff Robinson, and last year I ordered the Ultimate Platinum Sales Kit. It was full of great information and has helped me more than DOUBLE my income AND I work a lot fewer hours.

The money I'm earning now has enabled me to get engaged, move into a nicer home, and to study towards my Bachelor of Science in Holistic Nutrition. Life is just more enjoyable when you are making the kind of money you deserve doing what you love.

So thank you Jim, your course made all the difference. I highly recommend your products to anyone wanting to increase their income and quality of life.'

Jeff Robinson

PPS- Jeff found out the truth at

Friday, November 02, 2007

Six Powerful Sales Tips for Personal Trainers

Just a quick update. I thought you'd enjoy my latest article -Six Powerful Sales Tips for Personal Trainers - in Club Solutions Magazine.

You can read it here:

(you may have to copy and paste the link into your browser)


- Jim

PS - If you want all of my most powerful sales info you can find it at these two sites:

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Get Through The Clutter With Ease

Every afternoon this week I'm taking part in a tele-seminar on creating a Media Plan for 2008.

Not as an instructor but as a student. I'm getting all my ducks in a row for Prograde Nutrition.

One of the items we learned about yesterday was Podcasts.

Nothing new about that really.

Just how best to use them as part of your company's overall marketing/PR plan.

It also gave me the topic for today's newsletter.

The one thing the instructor missed - and the most important in my opinion - was how critical it is to be unique.

There are SOOO many Podcasts out there.

There are SOOO many blogs.

There is SOOO much content.

The best way to cut through all that clutter is to really have something unique to say. Or to say things in a very unique or controversial way.

So what about you?

What is unique about you?

What is unique about the story behind your company?

What is unique about the way you do things?

What, if anything, makes you controversial?

If you're not ABOVE the crowd you're lost IN the crowd.

And that ain't good news for your business.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - This November Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS and I will be announcing a project that is going to make you a lot of loot. A LOT of loot.

PPS - Resources to help you dominate your competition for less than $100!

Under $50 bucks:

Over $50 bucks:

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