Thursday, November 30, 2006

Jimmy John's Sub Shop

Jimmy John's sub shop is, I believe, a national franchise. Kind of like a more upscale Subway. It just has a better feel to it.

Ryan and I were eating lunch there the other day and we were talking about what a great job they do of marketing WITHIN their 4 walls. We counted with one quick glance around 6 signs that promoted their catering business. In fact, pretty much anywhere you look they mention their catering.


They are fully aware they are going to make a heck of a lot more for serving groups than just individuals.

They also know to take advantage of the marketing opporunities present within their physical location. Marketing isn't just external.

Three lessons for you:

1- Do you train groups?

2- If you own a studio what type of marketing do you have INSIDE your 4 walls?

3- When you go out to eat, or shopping or driving around....when you're out and about, do you take notice of al lthe good and bad marketing going on around you?

Don't you deserve this?

The other day I wrote an email that I have a dream that fitness professionals all over the world will use the Velvet Rope.

It got a very positive response.

Except from one person who hasn't been paying close attention.

She emailed me blasting me saying the Velvet Rope was made famous by the guys who owned Studio 54 in the 80's. And those guys were none too nice and eventually went to jail.

Can't argue that.

But that's not the point of the Velvet Rope in the fitness industry. Yes, it is meant to make you much more exclusive and make people want what they can't have.

And it does work. And it does do just that.

But the goal is to have the very best fitness professionals working with the very best clients. And by very best clients I mean the ones who WANT it the most.

The ones who are willing to work.

The ones who are willing to do what you tell them to do.

The ones who are dedicated becoming a walking, talking billboard for you.

The ones who are a joy to work with.

The ones who are willing to trust your judgment.

The ones who refer you other clients who are exactly the same as they are.

Don't you deserve that?

Don't fitness professionals everywhere deserve that?

And don't you think the rest of the population will start to 'get it?' Meaning, if they want to work with the best they'd better get their butts in line. If they want real results from a real professional they had better come prepared to work and make serious changes.

Isn't it time to we put our foot down?

I think one of the dumbest things I've ever heard is, 'The customers is always right.'

That's stupid.

When it comes to personal training, if the client was always right they'd never do anything. Well, except trying to tell you how to do your job.

The Velvet Rope puts YOU in charge. And that's the way it should be. YOU are the expert. YOU are the boss. And if you really, really think about it, the Velvet Rope adds instant credibility to the entire profession.

That also means that if you use this approach you MUST be great at what you do. If you aren't, it will never work. You must be able to deliver on your promises.

But if you can't, you shouldn't be working as a fitness professional anyway, right?

I'm putting my foot down as well. I love this industry. I have great respect for the people who read this newsletter. To me, it gives you instant credibility. It means you are ahead of the game and you want IT.

And IT means attracting into your life the best of everything.

That's why I'm raising my prices on a lot of products and the price of my coaching. I only want to work with the best-of-the-best or those who are willing to do the work to become so.

So check out this site to discover the price hikes that are coming this Friday, December 1st at 11am EST. It's kinda like Black Friday in reverse.

If there's a product you've been thinking of getting, or you're interested in hiring me for a coaching session, the time is now to save yourself some money.

Who loves ya? ;-)

I do. More than you know.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- I am VERY proud of this testimonial. To me, it speaks volumes about the business Michelle and I have had the good fortune to build.

"Just a little history here...6 months ago my husband was a personal trainer at a health club. We had talked on and off about having our own business. Someday. We came across Jim Labadie's website, and the first product we ordered was Velvet Rope Marketing. That was enough to inspire us to get more active about starting our own business.

Next we ordered the Ultimate Sales Kit. There was a bit of a mess up with the order, and we had the pleasure of meeting Michelle, Jim Labadie's assistant. He made a good choice when he added her to his team. The customer service she gave was exceptional, she always was quick to respond to emails, and she corrected all the problems we had.

Then Jim Labadie called us at home. He didn't have to. Michelle had already fixed the problems we had, and taken care of the situation. But I guess he was putting into practice what he preaches in his products. Overdelivery. A quick phone call on his part made a huge impression on this end.

We have run into so many places that give such crappy customer service. It is always such a nice surprise to run into a someone who really takes care of his customers. That is how Jim Labadie is.

It was in May (so about 6 months ago) when we first found Jim Labadie's website. In July, we moved to a new city to start our own fitness bootcamp business. In September, my husband began with 2 bootcamps. In October, we added 2 more bootcamps. In late November, we are adding a fifth camp. Next week, we are bringing on an intern, with the hopes of adding a new location in February.

And if it weren't for Jim Labadie and his very inspiring and effective products, I know that we would not be where we are today.

I just wanted to publicly let everyone know that Jim Labadie really does overdeliver. We have experienced that first hand. And as for his products, well, everybody already knows that they are the best there is out there. Thanks, Jim."

Christi Faagau

Mead, WA

Monday, November 27, 2006

Checking email at Starbucks

Last week, while I was in NJ for Thanksgiving, I went to Starbucks a couple times to check my email.

I suggest you do the same some time.

No, I don't drink coffee. Don't like the stuff.

It was simply the closest place with wireless internet access.

Anyway, why do I suggest you do the same?

You should grab yourself a Green Tea and sit back in amazement.

Look at the materials they use for everything.

The logo.

The signage.

The uniforms.

The packaging.

The culture.

The service.

The smell of the coffee.

The cups.

The napkins.

Anything and everything.

Oh, and watch the customers pour in.

You really get an appreciation for what they built and how they built it.

I have a dream

I have a dream.

I dream of lousy personal trainers no longer being a part of our industry. I dream of them instead following their true passion, whatever else that may be, and living their own dream.

I dream of fitness professionals worldwide incorportating the Velvet Rope and demanding not only the best of themselves, but their clients as well.

I dream of a world where all doctors are proud to refer their patients to a fitness professional.

I dream of a world where women no longer say, "But I don't want to lift weights because I'll get to bulky."

I dream of a world where people no longer starve themselves in an effort to get thin.

I dream of a world where I no longer hear, "The trainers at my gym do nothing but talk to the pretty girls."

I dream of a world where I don't hear from trainers at health clubs they are required to give three FREE sessions to new members.

I dream of a world where I read about the obesity rates DECREASING at an alarming rate.

I dream of a world where all fitness professionals understand their business education is the best investment they can make.

I dream of 2007 being the year I begin to make these dreams come true.

Who loves ya? ;-)

I do.

Jim Labadie

PS- The Fitness Profession is growing up. It's time to get REAL serious. My prices are going up on many of my products because I want those who are willing to do what it takes as my customers.

For example, Fitness Info Mistakes is going to $297. The Ultimate Boot Camp Start-Up Kit wil be $127.

Might as well get them now before they go up.

Under $50 bucks:

Over $50 bucks:

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Three things that impressed me recently

1- The more I keep an eye on Dr. Joe Vitale the more I'm impressed. Not only was he brilliant at mentioning his books during his recent appearance on Larry King Live, he also had the enire interview transcribed and on his site a day later!

Talk about recycling your publicity!

Read it here:

2- If you don't know Nick Berry yet, you will. He's going to be heavily involved, along with his business partner Pat Rigsby, in the new company Ryan Lee and I are launching in January.

Check out his comments on Walmart at his blog. Intriguing to say the least.

3- A couple of months ago Alwyn Cosgrove introduced me to Geoff Thompson. His most recent article is extremely powerful. A must-read if you've ever had painful experiences in your life. So, yeah, that means everyone.

How did you become so...

How did you become so


Everybody talks to themselves.

I know I do.

I know you do.

Words are VERY powerful. That's why it's important to always be mindful of your self-talk.

And after reading an email from Joe Vitale about "afformations" I changed the way I affirm things.

Yes, you read that right. AffOrmations.

As an example, one of my favorite affirmations in the past has been, "money is attracted to me like a magnet!"

Now I say it as, "Why is money attraced to me like a magnet?"


"How did I become a multi-millionaire so fast?"

The difference?

If you pose it as a question, instead of a statement, your sub-concious mind MUST search for the answer.

Simple, but powerful.

I'm confident you can come up with some pretty good ones for yourself and your clients.

And even better question?

How did Samantha Taylor of Tampa, FL beat her monthly personal training sales record at her studio by $15,000? She uses the Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals.

That's how.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- As of December 1st the coaching bonuses that come with the Ultimate Sales Kit will no longer be a part of that kit. And my coaching fee is going up from $250 per session to $600.

PPS- When you order the Platinum Edition Ultimate Sales Kit TODAY you make out like complete bandit. All my best sales information AND an hour of my time. But again, that all changes Decemeber 1st.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Do you save your best stuff?

Ok. So I couldn't stay away. I'm in a Starbucks right now in Wayne, NJ checking email. And since I had an idea, I figured I'd write you.

The other day I did a coaching session and told my client about a website he should be reading to make his marketing messgage more clear for his prospects.

His response?

Huh, you've never written about that in your newsletter before.

My response?

I save the best stuff for the people who pay me. It's only fair right?

Interesting. I guess I'm not doing a good enough job of making it crystal clear that the people who put their trust in my by paying me get even more than those who just read the free stuff.

I'll do better.

So what about you? Are you saving your best for your paying clients? Do they realize it? Do your prospects?

Happy Thanksgiving!


PS- I'm taking the coaching session bonuses out of both the Ultimate Publicity Kit and the Ultimate Sales Kit. AND I'm raising my per session rate from $250 to $600.

When? Just about December 1st.

So if you want a bargain get one - or BOTH - of those products now.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Just wanted to let you know I leave for Jersey early tomorrow morning. I'll do my best to post, but...

1) It's supposed to be a vacation

2) I'll be staying with my folks and they have a terrific 10 year old computer with dial-up service. Yeah, I know. Good times trying to work on that thing.

Anyway, if I don't write you before then, have a terrific Thanksgiving!

I am truly blessed and truly grateful. Thanks so much for taking the time to even read this message. ;-)

Who loves ya? ;-)

I do.


Friday, November 17, 2006

How to make money in the fitness industry

How to make money in the fitness industry

My buddy Jason Ferrugia of Renegade Conditioning Secrets interviewed me for

Obviously, it's all about how to make money as a fitness pro.

Check it out by clicking here.



Thursday, November 16, 2006

Business is a journey, too

Business is a journey, too

I'm a HUGE fan of "scripting." I tell just about all of my coaching clients to do it. In fact, the only ones I don't tell are the ones who do it already!

What is it?

Essenitally you pick a date in the future and create what amounts to a journal entry of EXACTLY what you want your life to look like on that day. The more specific the better. Oh, and you write it as if it was the END of that day. So as if you have already lived it.

Include as many details as you can:

- What did you have for breakfast?
- What kind of sheets did you sleep on?
- How many hours did you - or did you not ;-) - work?
- What kind of car are you driving?
- Who are the people you interacted with?
- What were you wearing?
- How much money do you have in the bank?
- Where do you live?

You get the idea.

And I'll tell ya, my cients email me afterwards and tell me their life looks EXACTLY like they scripted it out to be! Works like magic.

Obviously, I think it's important to EXPECT the future you want to manifest. But at the same time, business is no different from fitness, or life for that matter.

Business is a journey, too. Enjoy the ride. When you know what you want all the details will take care of themselves.

Believe me, there are certain things I am working on that I cannot wait to launch. Part of me can't wait for this time next year. But then I calm myself down and remember the journey.

And man, am I enjoying the ride.

Who loves ya? ;-)

I do.

Jim Labadie

Resources to help you dominate your competition!

Under $50 bucks:

Over $50 bucks:

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My ego was in the way (yours is too)

My ego was in the way (yours is too)

Yesterday, on my way to a flight lesson, I was re-listening to an interview Ryan Lee did with Dr. Joe Vitale. The first time I listened to it I got some nice little tips and reminders of things I already knew.

BUT... ego was in the way. When I listened to it yesterday I heard one thing that blew my mind.

How in God's green earth did I miss that the first time?

Now some people will tell you - me included - that your sub-cconscious mind was the cause. And while that is very possible, I think in this instance it was my ego.

I was probably so freakin' busy saying, "oh, I know that already." OR patting myself on the back, gratifying my ego by telling myself, "damn, you're as good as Joe is is!"

I'm a little nervous to even think about how much money missing that tip cost me.

What's more, I see this from trainers, and even customers, all the time. I notice it in them right away. Should follow my own advice, and I will from now on.

If you SPOT it, you GOT it.

Ok. Enough self-bashing for a moment.

I once had a customer return my Ultimate Sales Kit. His ego was very much in the way. He couldn't wait to tell me he was better at sales than I am.

When he emailed me telling me he was thinking of returning it, he informed me that he was a fitness director at a club. And while he was going to be able to use a lot of the emotion based techniques I teach to improve sales, it wasn''t quite what he was looking for.


I just gave you information that I know will increase your sales by tens of thousands of dollars a month and you want to return my product?

I'm more than certain if he kept the Sales Kit and listened to it over and over it would have been worth millions of dollars to his club. There is no doubt in my mind about that. NONE.

But his ego was in the way the same way mine was. My pre-conceived notions were the same as his.

I don't know everything. And there's lots of things I'm not good at. But give me ten minutes with a fitness professional and I'll give them AT LEAST one idea worth a hundred grand to them.

And that is bare bones minimum. (It's also why I'm raising my coaching rate to $600/session around December 1st)

So this guy could have taken advantate of the coaching session that came with the kit, but decided to return it instead. And believe me, the entire thing was ego. If you read his emails, you'd agree.

Sorry, back to topic. What do you think would have happened if he'd done the coaching?

I am not a gambling man, but I'll stake my entire life on the fact that I could have earned his personal training department at least an additional $1,000,000 over the next ten years. Yes, on top of what they would have already made. Again, that's minimum.

Which brings us to another point. How do you value information?

Case in point: In April 2003 I purchased Ryan Lee's "Fitness Info Products" I don't think I even listened to the whole thing. Right away I hired him to coach me. And I joined his Elite Sports Training Alliance. All told I probably spent around a grand.

What did I get back?

Personally, I think I'm going to turn that measly $1000 into $100,000,000. And I kid you not.
Did I get a fair return on my investment? You answer it.

And while we're talking about it, it's come to my attention some more "brain surgeon" trainers are out there saying that Ryan's stuff is more sizzle than steak.

Ego. Ego. Ego.

Ryan is one of the most brilliant marketers on the planet. You're going to see really soon who he is aligning with and you'll know he's going to the highest of levels. And believe me, you don't get to hang out with the stars unless you are one.

This past weekend I was at the "Membership Site Boot Camp" in West Palm Beach hosted by Ryan and Tim Kerber. Who else attended? Well, just a bunch of top internet marketers from across the US, Canada, England and Australia. And they paid a couple grand just to attend.

How many of those "know it all" personal trainers on the internet forums are capable of doing that? There's only one guy I know. And he happens to be my business partner. Again, think that $297 initial investment I made was worth it? Think I'm glad I didn't let my ego get in the way then and asked for his help?

Who loves ya? ;-)

I do.

But starting now I'm focusing solely on those who are willing to do what it takes. Who are willing to put their ego aside and focus soley on their success. That's why I'm raising prices on products and my coaching rate is more than doubling.

It starts with the Velvet Rope Sales and PR DVD. Tomorrow, Thursday, November 16th it goes from $19.95 to $39.95.

What will your return on your investment be? The information is worth millions. It's your attitude towards it and putting it to use that will manifest that money in the physical.

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- Alwyn Cosgrove wrote about this today, too. >Check it out here on his blog.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

How do I manage my time?

I've been asked a lot lately by trainers how I manage my time. How is it that I seem to get so much stuff done.

The answer?

I have fun.

I do what makes me happy first and foremost. And then I make my focus the things which are highest profit and lowest hassle.So that's what I told Rachel Cosgrove and Walter Lewis this Sunday.

1- Biggest love/most fun/greatest passion
2- Highest profit/lowest hassle

Basically what I am saying is I'm not the most organized person in the world. And I don't do an amazingly great job of managing my time.

Could I do better?


Would I be happier?


How do I know?

I've tried setting a strict schedule for myself and it simply makes me miserable. Anytime I feel trapped or restricted I can't stand it. It takes away my creativity and really causes me to start to dislike what I do.

Seriously think about that.

If you're not happy how creative are you going to be? And if you're starting to dislike what you love to do, well, where do you go from there?

Now I'm not saying I just do any damn fool thing I please. I always get done what needs to get done. But since my livelihood centers around my passion and creativity, if I don't feel like working...if I don't feel creative...well, I'm not going to put out anything good anyway, so why bother?

What I do make a point to do is meditate every morning and script out of my day. I write out how easy it WAS and productive it WAS. I script my future as if it has already happened. And then like magic, my day unfolds exactly as I wanted it to be.

I can also tell you, if I don't feel like working on any given day, you'll probably find me at the movies. ;-)


Oh, and another point on creativity.

Last night I was feeling a bit confused and I knew I needed some clarity.

ESPECIALLY after all the ideas and "to-do" lists I came up with this weekend at the Membership Site Boot Camp I attended. (No, I'm not starting a membership site - I was there because Ryan Lee was the co-host)

Anyway, I went to the beach last night around 9PM and just listened to the ocean. Just quieted my mind for about 20 minutes. When I was leaving I received a 13 point plan to completey change my Train and Grow Rich business. I'm going to be focusing more and more on the "heavy hitters" and those who are serious about becoming one in this industry of ours. All others need not apply. And my prices are going to reflect that.

So if you want what I got at the current price then take action now. Because I'm not giving it away much longer.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

Resources to help you dominate your competition!

Under $50 bucks:

Over $50 bucks:

Secret Visualization Tool

Watch this everyday and you'll be amazed at the results.


Monday, November 13, 2006

Larry King and The Secret Part 2

I spent this weekend at the Membership Site Boot Camp hosted by Ryan Lee and Tim Kerber in West Palm. AMAZING. I'll be writing about all my insights over the course of the week. But today, I'm a little shot. A little on overload from all the info.

So, I'll be getting it all organized tomorrow and will write you then about my thoughts on Time Management. For now, I'm going to head home and meditate. Then it's off to workout.

In the meantime, here's an update from Joe Vitale regarding his TV appearance this Thursday night on Larry King Live. A textbook case of publicizing your publicity.

Haven't I been preaching that to you for three years now? ;-)

Who loves ya?

I do.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie


Larry King is doing a special on how to change your life by changing your mind.

It airs on CNN on Nov 16th.

The first part aired on Nov. 2. If you missed it, see

The second part on Nov. 16th has this panel --

James Ray
Jack Canfield
Dr. Joe Vitale
George Pratt
Jayne Payne

Larry King Live airs on CNN at 6 p.m. pacific and re-airs at 9 p.m. pacific and 12 midnight (which is 9 p.m. eastern, midnight eastern and 3 a.m. eastern; 8 pm central, 11 pm central, and
2 am central).

The show airs overseas on CNN International, as well. See

If you haven't seen "The Secret" yet, I highly recommend it. It's what inspired these Larry King specials.


Friday, November 10, 2006

What can a football game teach you?

Stay with me on this one.

Last night #15 Rutgers beat #3 Louisville in college football. And even though the Scarlet Knights have been playing football for well over a hundred years, this was by far and away their biggest win in school history.

I didn't go to Rutgers, but I'm originally from NJ, so I know full-well how God-awful their football program has been. They've pretty much been a laughingstock. The entire energy and culture of the program was a losing one.

But that's been changing and it culminated last night when they stomped the Cardinals in the second half.

The program has changed. The culture has changed. The energy has changed. The expectation has changed. Therefore, the result has changed.

So what?

Well, what is the energy where you train like? Or what is the overall energy of your facility? What are the clients like?

The velvet rope works. And it works like magic. My friend and customer Angelo Scarpati, also of NJ, was telling me at the Ryan Lee Boot Camp just how well it has been working for him. Angelo was telling me how he turns down high-powered Wall Street executives who come into his facility and try to tell him they'll dictate the terms as to how and when they will train. He politely tells them he can't take them on as a client.

Needless to say these big babies, who are used to getting whatever they want, go nuts! They berate him and let him no in not so pleasant terms how they will bad-mouth his business...

But Angelo doesn't care. There's no freakin' way he's going to let somebody come in and ruin the culture of postive expectation and results that are associated with his facility.

And you know what?

These guys come back later and apologize and tell him they will do whatever it takes. And you know what happens next. They get the results they wanted and Angelo gets the word-of-mouth busines he deserves.

So what can Rutgers Football program teach you?

Your business has a culture to it of either success or failure. Positive expectation or negative connotation. If you aren't developing it, and the Velvet Rope is the best way I know how, then you're not becoming what you could be. And you're letting down far more people than yourself.

Think about that.

Who loves ya? ;-)


PS- Get a copy of the Ultimate Sales Kit and do the coaching session with me. I'll help you Velvet Rope your business.

"When the student is ready - the teacher will appear. The fact that you are reading this means you recognize that you aren't living up to your true potential.

When you are ready to unlock your potential for success - Jim Labadie is that teacher. He has the key. He's the best there is."

Alwyn Cosgrove

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lunch with Ryan Lee

Holy sh*t did we come up with another idea today.

We were talking about million dollar ideas and how they are no longer worth the time. If it's not a ten million dollar idea we aren't really interested.

Now before you start calling us a bunch of A-holes, please realize that you will always get what you expect.

So what are you expecting?

And what are you allowing yourself to receive?

I'm currently reading Bob Proctor's "You Were Born Rich" and I highly recommend it. It's a more modern-day "Think and Grow Rich." Personally, I think it's easier to read.

Anyway, your success is going to come from many things. But two of the biggest are what you EXPECT and what you ALLOW.

Basically, I expect ten million dollar ideas and because of the prosperity consciousness work I've done over the years I allow myself to receive ideas that will help me manifest the physical equivalent in currency.

Make sense?

Today we came up with another idea that should be worth at least that much. It was a good lunch ;-)

Virtual Seminar Week Kicks Off Tonight

49 speakers over the course of one week. One of the most brilliant moves in the history of internet marketing.

You don't need to attend, but you do need to review the site. Well, IF you sell info-products online. There's much to learn just from reading the copy.

Am I enrolled? You bet I am.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Why you should be reading my blog

Well, it has come to my attention that I need to get more people to my blog because God only knows what the Spam Filters are doing to the emails I send to people.

So I'm here today to give you all the incentive in the world to visit regularly.

How's about this for an idea?

This should work for any fitness pro or studio.

The holidays are upon us and so are high school football playoff games, right?

Create a "Holiday Survival Guide." It can be an audio CD or physical report or whatever you like. Make sure there is a special offer at the end of it. And testimonials...before and after pics...

Obviously, you're going to pass these out at the game. With permission, of course.

I'd make it a New Year's Special or for holiday gift certificates. As you know most people are looking to get in shape AFTER the holidays.

Hey, it is what it is.

You can give a portion of sales from the promotion directly back to the high school football team or the school or whatever. That should help you get permission! And use whatever connections you have with the school system to make this a regular thing.

Basketball season is coming up. And so are other holidays.

Community involvement... Lots of potential for local publicity...

And I'll bet dollars to doughnuts if you train the typical 40-49 year old woman who wants to lose weight your target market will be in attendance. Hell, their sons are playing in the game!

The opportunities are endless with this one. It's just a basic idea. I'm sure you can modify it as need be to make it work for you.

This is what it's really about. When your community thinks fitness, it thinks of one name - YOURS.

Now go run with it! And be sure to check back here often because I'm going to be putting a lot more just like 'em up!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Jim Labadie

PS- I've got a truckload more where that came from RIGHT NOW! Get my MOST under-rated product at

"The information on the teleseminar really got me pumped up and gave a real clear and concise plan of what I need to do. Jim and Scott reallydid all of the thinking all I have to do is follow through with the plan.

Thanks guys and keep up the great work!"

Andy Parker

Free hugs

Ryan Lee sent this to his list today. And he showed it to me when I got in the office today.

I'm a big fan of hugs. Check it out:

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Borat the movie

If you're easily offended DO NOT go see this movie. But chances are you've already heard how friggin' funny it is.

My favorite part?

Well, you'll know it when you see it and I don't want to ruin the surprise for you. I've never seen anything like it before. I can't believe they had the b*lls to do it.

I'll tell you, people will be talking about that scene for a long time to come. Word-of-mouth like that is hard to come by. But when you get it...

So something to ponder today: Do you think your fitness business is that much different from a #1 movie?

Who loves ya? ;-)


PS- Did you know that China is getting fat?

Elite FTS interview

I was recently interviewed for by the bad-ass himself, Jason Ferrugia. It should be coming out this Friday. Be sure to check their newsletter for it.

And you may have heard about all the controversy Jason started with his recent article on T-Nation and his Combat Conditioning Secrets. He's causing quite a stir in the strength and conditioning community. If you don't know Jason you really need to start paying attention.


Because he's one of the best performance coaches in the world. You can find out why by reading the article that caused all the controversy.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Dax Moy steals the show

I met UK based trainer Dax Moy at the Ryan Lee Boot Camp last month. I'm not easily impressed nowadays, but Dax impressed the hell out of me.

Here's an article he sent me to share with you. AWESOME stuff.


Forget SMART Goals…
Send Your Clients On A QUEST If You Want Them To Succeed

If you’re anything like most personal trainers you probably tend to think of yourself as a high-level motivator with the ability to help your clients achieve their goals faster and more effectively than they could themselves.

As such, you probably have a full arsenal of skills available to you to help you motivate your clients into taking actions that are in line with their stated aims. For example, you may have trained in NLP, Life-coaching or Health Counselling and use these skills in order to better help your clients to be more successful in achieving their goals.

Regardless of which methods of motivation you’re trained in, I know that chief among all of the skills you’ve been taught will have been the art and science goal-setting.

I also know that, if you’re like 95% of all fitness professionals, you’ll have been trained in the SMART method of setting goals that has you creating goals that are

Specific – Measurable – Attainable – Realistic – Time framed

I know this because this is how I was trained and how thousands of trainers
that I have had the pleasure of teaching, assessing and mentoring have been trained too.

Everyone knows about SMART goals. In fact, some authors I’ve read go as far as saying that ‘if it isn’t SMART, it isn’t a goal’!

Now, 3 years ago I’d have had to agree with them but since then I’ve come to realise something that’s vitally important if you really want to motivate people. That something?

That SMART is all about the goal, it has nothing to do with the person at all!

What’s more, its insistence that a goal be ‘Realistic’ kills off nearly all the motivational power that the goal holds. After all, who wants to be realistic? Not me. I, like most people, am more inspired by the dream of what could be achieved than the reality of what others tell me is possible or not.

And that’s the problem with the SMART system of setting goals. It puts the trainer in the position of determining whether or not the goal can be achieved rather than asking the client what they dream of achieving. The difference is huge. It’s the difference between success and failure.

So, if SMART isn’t the answer, what is?

Go on a QUEST!

The QUEST formula is both a description of and a prescription for maintaining high levels of motivation toward the attainment of any goal. It’s a description because, in its truest terms a quest is a search for an answer (a goal) and it’s a prescription because if you follow every stage laid out below, motivation will never be a problem again.

QUEST stands for:

Qualify –The client for the goal and vice versa

People set fitness goals all the time. They say ‘I’m going to run a marathon’ or ‘I’m going to get a six-pack’ or ’I’m going to [insert goal here]’ and yet never achieve any of them. Often they never even take the first step toward achieving them!

Year after year these same goals seem to resurface and year after year they go no-where.

Why is that? Why are so many goals going either un-attempted or unachieved?

I believe it’s because most people fail to qualify both themselves and their goals for compatibility. They happily set their sights on something, often in the full knowledge that they don’t really want it (In a future article I’ll go into more depth about why this happens but for now just accept that this is so) or won’t do the work to get it.

I call this a problem with qualification.

In much the same way that an academic or vocational qualification is earned by gathering specific knowledge, skills and abilities in specific areas, so too do goals have their own qualities that make them more likely to be attained.

These are:

1. Need – There’s no getting around it, true motivation is caused by need NOT desire.

As much as we may desire to look a certain way or achieve certain physical goals, it’s unlikely that they’ll happen…unless we decide they need to happen.

Example; You’ve all heard the urban legends of grannies lifting cars off of loved ones or children carrying their unconscious parents out of house fires haven’t you? Sure, there was great desire for this to happen but it needed to happen too or these people would die.

Put these same people into a gym situation and ask them to lift similar weights and they simply couldn’t. Even if they had the desire to do so.

If there’s no real need in your clients’ goals then there’s less chance they’ll succeed. Full stop.

2. Desire – Although simply desiring something is not likely to make it a reality, still desire is vital to the achievement of any goal. What’s more, if used correctly, desire can be transformed into need, making it doubly powerful as a result.

So, how do we turn a desire into a need?

We make it a passion, an all-consuming passion, an obsession that you simply have to, need to achieve or you’ll go mad.

Just look at anyone who’s achieving great things and you’ll see the truth of my words. They’re passionate, obsessed, in love with their goals and THEY NEED to have them achieved.

How do your clients’ goals match up to that? Does ‘get a six-pack’ arouse this level of passion? If it does then great, if not then find something else to focus on.

3. Opportunity – It’s all well and good setting a goal to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, desiring it, needing it even, but if you don’t have the opportunity to earn the money to make it happen or to get enough training in before the event then it ‘aint gonna happen.

Ask yourself, ‘does my client have the opportunity to create the desired outcome?’ If yes, then you’re onto a winner. If no, then simply ask ‘can these opportunities be created?’

If they can then how? If not then you don’t really have a goal, just a dream.

Understand – Your client by empathising with their unique circumstances and the desire to reach the goals they’re setting

There’s an old saying that ‘people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care’. Applied to personal training this is a powerful prescription for success that’s often overlooked by most trainers.

We listen to our clients as they set goals, we ‘uh-huh’ in all the right places and we jot the goals down in our notes but how often do you ask the important questions like:

 Why is this important to you?
 What are you willing to do to make this a reality for you?
 What things are you NOT willing to do? (ALWAYS ask this!)
 How will you feel when this is accomplished?

Of course, there are many more but the important thing is that you really understand why the goal is important.

If you get a sense of vagueness from the client then sometimes just explaining to them what you understand of the goal is enough to get either a better description or a change of tack altogether to a more appealing one. In other words, your clients will gain a better understanding too.

Educate – Them on what it’s going to take to accomplish it

In my honest opinion, one of the biggest reasons for clients failing to achieve their goals is education.

Now, I don’t mean their academic prowess, that’s irrelevant, but rather the education they receive from their trainers regarding what will be required to make the goal a reality.

Too often, trainers will simply say ‘yes, that goal is possible’ and take on the responsibility for providing all the ingredients for making it happen. This is a BIG mistake, yet one that most trainers are making.

When I say ‘educate’ I mean Educate with a capital E!

Tell your client EVERYTHING necessary to bring their goals to life.

 Changes they’ll need to make to their diet, lifestyle and exercise
 Types, frequencies and intensities of training
 Things they may need to give up to get the result (smoking/drinking?)
 Equipment they may need to buy
 How much they may need to spend (joining a gym, hiring a trainer)

Quite literally educate them on every aspect of attaining their goals. Leave no stone unturned, that way there’ll be no nasty surprises later on that may cause them to drop their goal.

It may well be that once educated your client feels that the price of success in this endeavour is one that they’re not willing to pay. That’s fine. Remember, it’s their goal, not yours. You’ll have saved them months of time and effort and a massive dose failure if you make them aware of the cost of going for their goals.

Stimulate – Their Desire To Achieve Their Goals

If a client came to you telling you that they only visit the gym once a year and during that visit they spent 24 hours pounding themselves to pieces with every conceivable resistance exercise in the hope of getting into shape, what would you say?

If you have even quarter of one brain cell, I’m willing to bet you’d say that such an approach was ridiculous, poorly thought out and likely to lead to nothing but injury for anyone foolish enough to try it. It just won’t work!

So why do you do the same with motivating your clients?

You know what I mean. That huge hit of motivation you give new clients when they first start with you and then…nothing. Nothing of any real value anyway (Believe me ‘one more rep’ or ‘good set’ or the occasional ‘you’ve lost another inch’ are not motivation). You simply assume that your comforting presence and welcoming smile are enough maintain motivation.

C’mon people, you’re better than that!

If you really want to see a goal become a reality for your client then you need to stimulate their desire to achieve it. Not occasionally. Not once-in-a-while but EVERY DAY!

How do you do that?

 Tell your clients to keep a postcard by the bed with the goals written on it clearly. That way the goal will be the first and last thing they see every day.
 Find out as much as you can about the goal and make it a game with points for who knows most about it.
 Send your client newspaper cuttings, site links, book titles or anything else that may be of assistance in making their goal happen.
 Have your client experience the achievement of related sub-goals so that they get a feel for the main one. For example, if the goal is to climb Kilimanjaro then you may have them climb Snowdon and Ben Nevis in preparation. The buzz (and training) they’ll get from completing these will keep them focused on achieving the big goal.
 Talk about the goal EVERY time you see your client.

As you can see, the aim of this is to stimulate the client into keeping their goal at the top-of-consciousness level of importance, creating what Anthony Robbins calls a ‘magnificent obsession’.

If you can help your client to do this then the challenge becomes fun and all of the work aspect of attaining the goal will seem to melt away.

Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself!

Test – Them against their goal on a regular basis

In my experience, failure to receive objective feedback about how well they’re progressing is one of the main reasons that a person will ditch their nutrition or exercise plans. After all, without feedback of some kind we have no way of knowing whether our efforts are leading to the success we desire or, conversely, whether we are investing time, money and effort into something that’s simply not working.

Without that knowledge we experience diminished desire because we have no idea how near or far the goal is and what is needed to achieve it. It’s like being lost in wild country with just a map showing only your destination and nothing else. Could you find your way home? Would you be feeling very motivated?

What if I put you in exactly the same spot with a detailed map, satellite photographs, compass and global positioning system? Would you feel more confident that you’d make it back ok? I bet you would!

Regardless of the distance involved you’d be far more motivated and confident because you’d know that every step you take is moving you toward your goal.

That’s what regular testing of your clients does!

It shows them exactly where they are on the map so that they never get lost. If they’re ahead of their targets they’ll be driven on by their success. If they’re behind, you can use that to motivate them to better efforts in the future but whatever the case YOU SIMPLY MUST TEST!

But what should you test?

Absolutely ANY and all variables that are relevant to the goal.

 Strength
 Endurance
 Agility
 Flexibility
 Body Composition
 Anthropometrics

And many, many more besides

The most important test? The goal itself!

Does it still motivate and inspire? If not change it so that it does.

In conclusion

There you have it, my QUEST formula for attaining any goal and motivating others to achieve theirs. As obvious as many of the stages may seem, it’s still the case that the majority of trainers either aren’t using them or using them with enough regularity to gain any of the powerful benefits they can provide.

I challenge you, and every personal trainer reading this to take your clients on a QUEST in your very next session and every session for a month. If you do, you’ll be astounded at the levels of newfound motivation in your clients and the stream of new referrals they send you.

So, will you give it a try? Or are you too SMART for that?

Dax Moy is a performance enhancement specialist and success coach based in London, England.

Voted one of the UK’s top fitness professionals and a regular contributor to Health and Fitness Magazine, FITPRO, Trax and other leading UK publications, Dax integrates holistic health with high-level performance coaching to bring about rapid results for his clients.

For more information about Dax’s programs visit , and or email him directly at

I'm a BIG Randy Gage fan

Check this out:

Check out his site overall. Really cool look and feel to it.

- Jim

Thursday, November 02, 2006

This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about

Three points of discussion today:

1- A couple of week's ago I was at a friend's house and we were talking about and the truckload of dough the founders got when they sold it.

My friend believes they got really lucky. Maybe they did. Not sure.

But what I do know for sure is there are people who set the trends and there those who follow them.

The ones who set the trends are the ones who most often get 'lucky.'

2- Alwyn Cosgrove made a great point on his blog the other day about the most successful people being the ones who most often invest in their own education.

I'm guessing most everyone believes that. But I KNOW that a lot of people just pay lipservice to it.

I was at a Bob Proctor seminar last week and I made it a point to see who was going to the back-of-the-room to get more info and who wasn't.

At my table there was a guy who owned 4 real estate offices in the area. He brought three of his employees with him. None of those three made additional purchases and from what I gather didn't pay for their own seat.


I got the deal of the century. For a hundred bucks I got a ticket to another full day seminar AND two books.

As you may have surmised, the first two lead directly to point three.

3- November 10th to 17th is Virtual Seminar Week. It's a move of sheer brilliance by two of the guys who set the trends - Alex Mandossian and Rick Raddatz.

49 virtual seminars in one week's time for $97.

Completely different. Completely unique. Complete new trend.

Would you call that luck?

I'm signed up for it, because just like Cosgrove, I have found the best investment on the planet is ME.

If you don't do anything else, check out the site and see what they are up to. It's truly freakin' brilliant.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Invest in yourself.

Keep an eye on what I'm up to

One of the ways I learn is to simply watch what others are up to. Well, the successful "others" I should write.

I've just hired a consultant to help me with Trainer Shopping Cart
I want to find out some ways to increase sales by making simple changes to my check out pages and the thank you pages you land on once you place an order with us.

That and I plan on learning more about these RSS feeds.

Why? Because I don't think my newsletters are getting through as much as they used to. I'll be finding ways to get people on my RSS feed so it's assured all my content is getting to them.

Oh, and in case you didn't realize it, you can subscribe to that very same feed by checking out the RSS FEED box on the upper-right corner of this page.


PS- Got a cool testimonial for our Fitness Info Mistakes product today. The name should really be Fitness Info Success. Sometimes it's freaking amazing that I make the amount of money I do.

"Hey Jim!

Just finished listening to Fitness Info Mistakes and the information is definitely worth way more than I paid for. You really should raise the price on it... I don't want to have that many competitors! :-)

I found the information on the CD set to be real world experience and no fluff theory. I've heard 100's of programs and I must say I was skeptical when I first popped it in... what ELSE could I possibly learn besides the stuff I already knew. Well, I learned a bunch, so thanks!"

Kevin Gianni

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pleasing Alwyn Cosgrove

Note: If you don't already have it, you want it. Alwyn Cosgrove's Program Design Manual:

I spoke to Alwyn Cosgrove yesterday and he, yet again, bitched at me for not posting on my blog more. Apparently, mine is one of the few he checks on a daily basis.

So as not to anger the Mad Scotsman any further I have posted again today. And oddly enough, I am going to send you to HIS blog to see what he wrote yesterday.

I was actually going to write a similar newsletter. I noticed the same thing last Wednesday when I attended a Bob Proctor seminar. The people at my table who were the most successful - and I knew from talking to them, not just looking at them - were the ones who bought additional products. Yes, myself included.

This will make a lot more sense when you read AC's post.


PS- This is what AC had to say about my Ultimate Sales Kit:

"It's quite possible I've got more qualifications than anyone else in my field. Seriously, I've got more letters after my name than I have in my name! However, I'm going to let you in on the horrible truth...there is no relationship between being technically good or skilled at what you do and getting paid.

Jim Labadie is THE MASTER and he has solved that problem. The Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals is almost as good as having Jim as your own personal sales staff. Within days of listening to the CD's you'll have, at the least, doubled your investment.

BOTTOM LINE: If you don't have this kit in your arsenal, you better pray your competition doesn't. It's that powerful."

Alwyn Cosgrove

Get your copy here:

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